Adisseo, one of the world leaders in nutritional solutions and additives for animal feed, has opened its new European R&I Centre, ELISE (for European Lab for Innovation, Science & Expertise).
Adisseo, one of the major players in the global feed additives market, officially opened ELISE (for European Lab for Innovation, Science & Expertise) in Lyon, France, three years after the start of the project to gather Research and Innovation teams within a European research centre.
In a new building designed according to the needs and constraints of R&I activities, ELISE now hosts Research and Innovation activities in the fields of process chemistry, process engineering, analysis, and nutrition research – that’s to say 100, people.
The choice of this location near the city of Lyon, in the heart of the Chemistry Valley, close to universities, and connected to technological partners in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region will encourage network projects and develop synergies.
“This grouping of R&I teams will make it easier to adapt to increasingly rapid changes in our sector, to answer the challenges of tomorrow’s agriculture and food, and to attract the best researchers who will strengthen the teams’ skills in France,” stated Adisseo.
The experimental farm remains based in Commentary in the centre of France, the formulation research activities are in La Rochelle, and the biotechnology research teams are in Toulouse, as close as possible to the activities of their mutual expertise.
Today, 290 employees work in Research & Innovation at Adisseo, spread between France and China, as well as in a research centre dedicated to aquaculture based in Singapore and a team that focuses its research on ruminants based in Wisconsin (USA).