

Friday, February 14



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    Lyso-phospholipids enhance growth performance and feed efficiency in freshwater fish

    Lyso-phospholipids enhance growth performance and feed efficiency in freshwater fish

    Lyso-phospholipids, also known as lysolecithin, are produced through the hydrolysis of lecithin, which removes a fatty acid molecule from phospholipid structures. This modification increases...
    Nofima tested microalgae in feed for salmon

    New study tests out algae-based omega-3 in salmon feed

    Nofima sought to determine how much of an algae-based product, which was rich in the marine omega-3 fatty acid DHA, could be included in...
    Transforming shrimp farming in Ecuador with Skretting 360+

    Transforming shrimp farming in Ecuador with Skretting 360+

    Skretting 360+ was launched for the first time in Ecuador as a programme aimed at transforming shrimp farming by focusing on three pillars: Precision...
    Onda expands services into whiteleg shrimp with satellite facility

    Onda expands services into whiteleg shrimp with satellite facility

    Onda has partnered with an aquaculture facility in Brazil to expand service offering into whiteleg shrimp. By partnering with an external facility, Onda aims...
    Research on enhancing quality and reducing melanin spots

    Research on enhancing quality and reducing melanin spots

    Melanin pigments in the flesh of salmon are linked to inflammation in the fillet. While the exact cause of the problem is unclear, the...
    Precision Nutrition: Advancing salmon nutrition from essential nitrogen to effective energy

    Precision Nutrition: Advancing salmon nutrition from essential nitrogen to effective energy

    Traditionally, protein has been a critical component of aquafeeds. However, we recognized that simply increasing protein content was not the most efficient way to...
    Phytogenics: Elite feed additives for aquaculture species

    Phytogenics: Elite feed additives for aquaculture species

    Phytogenics comprise of a relatively infant department of feed additives that are gaining considerable interest within the aquaculture industry. A wide spectrum of phytogenics,...
    Five steps to sustainable seafood

    Five steps to sustainable seafood

    For us, more sustainable seafood means a world with three things: Firstly, preserving natural resources through the implementation of responsible fisheries and aquaculture practices;...
    Enhancing aquafeed quality: Key to boosting efficiency, profitability, and sustainability in aquaculture

    Enhancing aquafeed quality: Key to boosting efficiency, profitability, and sustainability in...

    Producing high-quality feed ‘at any cost’ is not viable. Efficient diet production, minimal raw resource use, and maintaining throughput are priorities due to high...

    Unlocking protein digestibility to reduce feed costs in aquaculture

    The aquaculture industry faces rising feed costs due to increasing fishmeal prices and sustainability concerns. Implementing alternatives like plant proteins is essential to reduce...