

Saturday, July 27



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    Reducing ammonia in poultry production with CRISPR-Cas

    Reducing ammonia in poultry production with CRISPR-Cas

    Some of the most environmentally damaging gases produced in agriculture, such as ammonia and methane, are produced by the microbes that live within farmed...

    Poultry Under Pressure: Understanding & combating thermal stress

    Heat stressed poultry need to dissipate excess body heat and will exhibit certain behaviors to indicate that they are overheated. Poultry will exhibit increased...
    Selko to share how trace minerals support immune response at EPC

    Selko to share how trace minerals support immune response at EPC

    Gavin Boerboom, Global Program Manager for Minerals at Selko, will present the findings of Selko's research on how trace mineral source affects immune response,...
    Sustainable animal husbandry

    A versatile tool for coccidiosis control

    Natural alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters and coccidiostats have been sought for years, not only in the poultry industry. Nevertheless, few solutions present the...
    Life cycle analysis: A journey towards sustainability

    Life Cycle Analysis: A journey towards sustainability

    Within the realm of poultry production, a multitude of parameters and strategies can be explored to diminish the environmental footprint of the industry. These...
    The perfect start for your flock of laying hens: Guidance to optimize gut health

    The perfect start for your flock of laying hens: Guidance to...

    The preparations towards the onset of lay in a laying hen are marked by significant metabolic and hormonal changes, environmental changes and changes in...
    Revising electrolyte balance in broiler in a sustainable feed manufacturing strategy

    Revising electrolyte balance in broiler in a sustainable feed manufacturing strategy

    Among chloride-free sodium sources available to supplement in feed, AdiSodium is a cost-effective source, ensuring animal performance in standard and hot climate conditions. Exhibiting...

    Optimizing performance under heat: Crystallized betaine or more methionine?

    When applying precision nutrition to broiler diets it is crucial to consider how nutrients affect bird health and performance along with production budgets. Betaine...
    Managing high heat conditions through nutrition

    Managing high heat conditions through nutrition

    Mitigating heat stress is crucial to achieving efficient, profitable and sustainable animal agriculture operations. Effective farm management can support animal production during extreme heat...
    Beat the heat - What layers, broilers and other birds need to conquer heat stress

    Beat the Heat – What layers, broilers and other birds need...

    In addition to adjustments in management and housing conditions, additives are invaluable in improving the comfort, health and welfare of animals in high temperatures...