Plant-based feed additives are the key element in sustainable livestock production. Why? Because they can be used in a wide range of applications, their use is safe for humans, animals and the environment, they do not promote resistances and no withdrawal periods need to be observed. One area where the benefits of the right additive are particularly evident is endotoxin management.

Technical Sales Manager
Dr. Eckel Animal Nutrition

Vice President
Dr. Eckel Animal Nutrition
What are endotoxins and why do they cause so much damage?
Endotoxins cause considerable damage in livestock farming every year. Worldwide, the economic damage caused by high levels of endotoxin contamination is estimated at up to 20 billion US dollars. This affects all areas of production, not only dairy cattle and beef cattle farms, but also poultry and pig fattening, egg production and aquaculture. But what are endotoxins and why can they cause such damage?
Endotoxins are components of the outer cell membrane of gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli. They are released, among other things, when the bacteria die and decompose. Endotoxins occur naturally in the intestines of both humans and animals, as the microbiota also contains gram-negative bacteria. As long as their concentration does not become too high, the body can cope with them: This is where the liver becomes active with its detoxifying function.
However, it becomes critical when the endotoxin level rises too high and the liver can no longer cope. The toxins can then lead to fever, inflammation, diarrhoea, circulatory problems, septic shock or even death. They also hinder the absorption of nutrients in the intestine. Our farm animals are affected by endotoxins to varying degrees: While chickens tolerate slightly higher endotoxin levels and primarily suffer from more frequent infections, digestive problems and reduced growth, ruminants and pigs react even at lower levels with claw inflammation, ear or tail necrosis.
What are the reasons for high endotoxin levels?
Reasons for high endotoxin levels can include stress such as high temperatures, birth or rehousing, but can also be a result of antibiotic treatment following illness or a high proportion of concentrated feed in the animals’ diet. As these factors can never be completely ruled out in modern animal husbandry, even under optimal conditions, endotoxins occur even on very well-managed farms.
It is often not easy for livestock farmers to recognise endotoxin contamination in their animals. Endotoxin levels cannot be measured on the farm. The harmful effects of toxins can be seen in an increase in infections and diarrhoea, in circulatory disorders and necrosis, in animals suffering from pain, in poor growth and poorer product quality. However, it is often not recognised that the cause of all this is endotoxins. It is also often wrongly assumed that mycotoxin binders can also protect against the consequences of endotoxins. However, this is not correct. Chemically and biologically, the two are completely different, which is why they cannot be used with the same effectiveness for each other.
Animal owners face three problems with endotoxins: Their animals are sick and need treatment, their sick animals cannot perform to their full potential – eggs, milk, meat – and also cannot utilise the feed optimally. Endotoxins are therefore a serious health problem for our livestock on the one hand and a considerable waste of resources on the other. Combating endotoxins in livestock is therefore a crucial part of animal-friendly and sustainable food production.
How can we protect our animals and business against endotoxin damage?
This requires several steps: Firstly, endotoxins must be bound in the intestine and inactivated here so that they can cause as little damage as possible. Secondly, the intestinal barrier and thus the health of the animals must be strengthened. And thirdly, the liver needs to be supported in order to promote detoxification and reduce inflammatory reactions.
Anta®Catch is the first product that truly takes a holistic approach and thus promises a comprehensive solution to the endotoxin problem. At the same time, it is the only product to date that has been specifically developed and optimised for binding endotoxins. Anta®Catch consists of purely natural ingredients and is currently distributed in Europe and Asia. Due to its triple mode of action, Anta®Catch effectively diminishes the harmful effects of toxins: it reduces endotoxins in the digestive tract, its prebiotic ingredients protect the intestinal barrier, and its phytogenic substances counteract excessive inflammatory responses.
A recent trial in collaboration with a German university has now demonstrated how this combination of natural ingredients impacts a well-managed pig farm in practice. The experiment involved two groups of 130 pigs each. The feed of one group contained no feed additive (control) while that of the other contained Anta®Catch. Feeding with Anta®Catch proceeded in three phases: the Anta®Catch group received 2 kg Anta®Catch/t feed in phase 1, which was then reduced to 1 kg Anta®Catch/t feed in phases 2 and 3. In addition to performance parameters, the numbers of ear and tail necroses, treatments and fatalities, derived from the numbers of sick and dead pigs respectively, were also recorded.
The results are impressive! The performance parameters were high in both groups (FCR 1:2.71). In the first fattening phase, when the animals are at particular risk of elevated endotoxin levels due to feed change and other stressors, the animals in the Anta®Catch group were 484 g heavier than those in the control group (day 14: 44.96 kg vs 44.48 kg). In addition, feeding with Anta®Catch significantly reduced the numbers of necroses, treatments and fatalities throughout the trial. In fact, the Anta®Catch group had almost 90 per cent less ear and tail necroses (Figure 1a), almost 60 per cent fewer medical treatments (Figure 1b) and half the number of fatalities (Figure 1c) in comparison with the control group.

Safeguarding our animals and ensuring sustainable food production requires a proactive approach. Anta®Catch emerges as a game-changer, offering a holistic solution to combat endotoxins in all species due to its unique triple mode of protection, making it the ideal solution for the harmful effects of endotoxins. By embracing such innovations, we not only protect our livestock but also contribute to a healthier, more efficient, and eco-friendly agricultural future.
About Muhammad Umar
With a degree in veterinary medicine and a master in dairy science, Muhammad Umar has already several years of experience in the field of animal nutrition. His special expertise are ruminants and the use of phytogenic feed additives to improve performance and sustainability.
As Technical Sales Manager at Dr. Eckel, Muhammad Umar focusses on supporting the company’s customers with the best phytogenic solutions for their needs.About Bernhard Eckel
Bernhard Eckel has been with the company from the very beginning. The key figure behind Dr. Eckel’s pioneering feeding solutions, he is responsible for technical sales, product development and animal welfare, and thus plays a major role in the success of the company.