Trouw Nutrition highlights polyphenols as alternatives to costly vitamin E

Trouw Nutrition has shared a cost-effective approach to partially replace vitamin E in animal diets, mitigate oxidative stress and maintain performance. The company pointed to polyphenols as cost-effective antioxidant alternatives.

Trouw Nutrition highlights polyphenols as alternatives to costly vitamin EThe animal feed business of Nutreco, Trouw Nutrition is raising awareness of polyphenols as cost-effective antioxidant alternatives that can partially replace vitamin E in livestock diets. The company states that supplementing animal feed with antioxidants is an important practice on the farm given that an oxidative imbalance can harm both animal health and productivity. Severe oxidative imbalances can lead to inflammation, reduced immune function and increased susceptibility to disease. Livestock producers typically include higher levels of vitamin E in the diet to increase animals’ antioxidant capacity and minimise performance losses. However, according to Trouw Nutiriton, a significant rise in the price of vitamin E and the potential for further increases is prompting nutritionists and farmers to seek cost-effective alternative antioxidants to partially replace vitamin E.

According to the statement from the company, excessive levels of free radicals result in oxidative imbalance and stress which can damage DNA, proteins, and unsaturated fatty acids, leading to decreased animal performance. Factors that can contribute to free radical formation and an animal’s oxidative status include diet quality, health status, environmental conditions and growth rate, among others. To avoid the potential consequences of oxidative stress, most producers feed vitamin E levels well above the minimum requirements as indicated by the National Research Council (NRC) recommendations and the NASEM guidelines for dairy cattle. In times of high vitamin E prices and, more generally, to optimize protection against oxidative stress, alternative antioxidant solutions should be considered to help safeguard production efficiency.

Vitamin E serves two main functions in animals, as described in literature: regulating gene expression, enzymatic activity and neurological functions; and serving as an antioxidant. Gene regulation is specific for vitamin E and cannot be replaced by other compounds. However, alternative products can serve as effective antioxidants at a lower price point compared to vitamin E, which is not unique in its ability to neutralize free radicals. Vitamin E is part of a family of antioxidant compounds called polyphenols. Specific polyphenols can be more efficient than vitamin E in reducing oxidative pressure. Within this diverse category, some molecules have more antioxidant capacity per gram than vitamin E, especially when considering the synthetic vitamin E used in livestock feed. Furthermore, some polyphenols offer improved bioavailability. Thus, the enhanced activity and availability of some polyphenols produce a more effective antioxidant supply in livestock than vitamin E alone.

Scientists at Trouw Nutrition developed a Selko feed additive based on synergistic polyphenol ingredients that can help reduce oxidative stress in flocks and herds at a lower cost than vitamin E.

Research study findings support the efficacy of the feed additive composed of specific, synergistic polyphenols in both swine and poultry diets. Animals were fed either a negative control diet containing NRC-recommended levels of vitamin E, a positive control diet containing industry-standard levels of supplementation (above NRC), or a test diet in which the polyphenol (Selko AOmix) replaced the vitamin E above NRC level. Study results indicated that when fed vitamin E at NRC recommendations, animals under a heat challenge presented signs of oxidative imbalance and had lower performance. Both the higher vitamin E treatment and the treatment containing NRC vitamin E level plus the feed additive ameliorated this increase of oxidative imbalance. There were no significant differences in performance and antioxidant status between the higher-level vitamin E treatment and the treatment containing the feed additive.

“These findings show that properly selected polyphenols, with good bioavailability and a good in vivo antioxidant action, such as Selko AOmix, can provide cost-effective antioxidant protection, helping animals perform under challenging conditions,” said Ellen Hambrecht, Global Product Manager Phytogenics at Trouw Nutrition.