

Friday, February 14



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    Home Tags Sustainable feed industry

    Tag: sustainable feed industry

    Can the feed sector really transform itself into a ‘sustainable sector’?

    Can the feed sector really transform itself into a ‘sustainable sector’?

    The feed sector's journey towards sustainability is pivotal in mitigating its environmental impact. Through advancements in ingredient sourcing, efficient production practices, and rigorous waste...
    How insects can help feed the world

    How insects can help feed the world

    Proteins and fats can come from many sources, but perhaps one of the most novel is that found in insects. Insect protein can be...
    Importance and optimization of particle size in animal feed production

    Importance and optimization of particle size in animal feed production

    A sustainable feed industry is constantly looking for the best way to process feed, to have the best yield with use of lowest amount...
    Do Good Foods to upcycle grocery store food waste

    Do Good Foods to upcycle grocery store food waste

    Do Good Foods has launched a game-changing infrastructure platform to combat climate change. Backed by a $169M investment, the first-of-its-kind system will collect fruits,...
    IFIF elects new Chairman and Board of Directors for 2022-2023

    Ruud Tijssens elected as new chairman of IFIF

    The International Feed Industry Federation (IFIF) announced that Ruud Tijssens, Group Director Public & Cooperative Affairs, Royal Agrifirm Group, was elected as IFIF’s new Chairman...
    The role of technology in production of quality pellets and latest technologies

    The role of technology in production of quality pellets and latest technologies

    Many variables affect the pellet quality. We should distinguish between parameters originating from the ingredients and formulation, and process and technology related factors. Technology plays a vital role, as it is directly linked to a feed miller’s objective of producing pellets that are as hard as required and maintain a high and constant throughput while keeping energy costs at the lowest level possible.
    Pellet and mash preference in feed production & production technologies

    Pellet and mash preference in feed production & production technologies

    Pellet quality is not only made in the pellet mill. The saying “the chain is as strong as the weakest link” applies also here. Every process step adds to the achieved pellet quality. The finer the particle size after grinding the better the pellet quality, the higher the capacity and the lower the energy consumption at the pellet mill.

    Improving pellet quality, the key to good performance

    The pelleted feed manufacturing process has undergone a significant evolution in recent decades due to the demand for higher standards of physical quality, nutritional value and microbiological hygiene, as well as greater flexibility in the incorporation of new and varied raw materials. The digital age in feed industry is becoming increasingly important, KPI measurement and monitoring can be done in real time.