Tag: Selko
Selko holds inaugural mycotoxin academy in India
The feed additives brand of Nutreco, Selko convened plant, animal and mycotoxin experts in India for its inaugural mycotoxin academy. Presenters reviewed how masked...
New research finds anti-fungal blend decreases mould spores
A new study conducted by Selko and Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Feed Institute has confirmed that the survival and development of Aspergillus chevalieri conidia was...
A holistic approach to sustainability from calf to 5th lactation – Responsible mineral nutrition...
Responsible mineral nutrition is important at all life stages, from calf through the fifth lactation. Many producers are overfeeding key trace elements. Formulating diets...
Selko to discuss Vibriosis in shrimp at event in Asia
Sharing a preview of Asia-Pacific Aquafeed 2024 research insights, Selko will present findings on organic acids to manage Vibriosis in shrimp to be held...
Selko and Trouw Nutrition to reveal discoveries driving future of ruminant nutrition
Selko and Trouw Nutrition will share the findings from ruminant studies conducted with university partners and collaborators during the American Society of Animal...
Selko to share how trace minerals support immune response at EPC
Gavin Boerboom, Global Program Manager for Minerals at Selko, will present the findings of Selko's research on how trace mineral source affects immune response,...
Selko organizes Salmonella from feed to food webinars on June 20
Feed additives brand Selko will explore Salmonella from feed to food in the webinars to be held on Thursday, June 20 at 10 am...
Optimizing performance under heat: Crystallized betaine or more methionine?
When applying precision nutrition to broiler diets it is crucial to consider how nutrients affect bird health and performance along with production budgets. Betaine...
Selko to focus on dietary strategies for piglets at conference in Germany
Selko will share its research at the joint conference of International Pig Veterinary Society and European Symposium Porcine Health Management to be held on...
From waste stream to alternative protein – Preserving food by-products for animal feed
High-moisture by-products generated by the food industry are abundant and rich in nutrients. However, these perishable ingredients present challenges when it comes to storage,...