Tag: organic trace mineral
Alltech paper: OTMs enhancing mineral bioavailability through chelation
Alltech has published a white paper entitled, “Organic Trace Minerals: Enhancing mineral bioavailability through chelation” by Dr. Richard Murphy, Director of Research at Alltech.
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Copper supplementation in grower/finisher production
Trouw Nutrition researchers found that adding hydroxychloride copper (IntelliBond®) to swine diets could help improve growth performance and reduce negative interactions between copper and added vitamins or enzymes. The use of high levels of copper also was found to limit the overgrowth of unwanted bacteria helping to manage gut health, increasing average daily gain (ADG) throughout production and improving hot carcass weight.
Zinpro Corporation celebrates 50th anniversary
Zimpro®, leading animal nutrition company is celebrating 50th anniversary with a bolder, performance-driven focus for the future.