Tag: Orffa Additives
Selenium, a crucial element in pet food formulation
Selenium is an essential trace element. The narrow margin between the minimum requirement and the maximal legal limits of selenium, variation of selenium levels...
Dual benefit of emulsifiers: Performance enhancer & cost saver
To meet the demand for animal protein, optimal feed utilization is key to improve productivity. Maximising output with minimal input will contribute to a...
Nutritional solution improving digestibility of sows and piglets
Overall, it can be stated that nutritional emulsifiers have a great potential to improve health and performance in the swine industry. Benefits are related...
Betaine as nutritional strategy to improve meat quality
Consumer satisfaction is an important requirement for the commercialization of meat products. With the increase of human welfare and living standards, people prefer better...
Sustainable contribution of a nutritional emulsifier
The challenge for our industry is to secure the supply of high quality animal protein and a balanced diet to a continuously growing global population. Whilst minimizing the effect on natural resources, by optimizing land use and production efficacy and with an ever lower output in terms of pollution and ecological footprint.
No antibiotics means increased need for emulsification!
Fat digestion is influenced by many factors (e.g. fat source, age). Less attention is given to the effect of the microflora. Considering the literature work stated it should be an important factor to take into account.