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    Tag: feed cost

    Novus to highlight egg and meat challenges

    Novus to highlight egg and meat challenges

    Novus International will highlight egg and meat challenges impacting the poultry industry at the Egg & Meat Symposium between 7-9 September in Poland. Novus International...
    Managing the environmental impact of feed formulas

    Managing the environmental impact of feed formulas

    The feed manufacturer must offer a product that is attractively priced and that meets the needs of the animals according to species, age, physiological...
    Controlling costs through the use of alternative ingredients in poultry diets

    Controlling costs through the use of alternative ingredients in poultry diets

    Egg producers strive to produce a nutritious, versatile, safe and economical food (eggs). In this sense, nutrition (represents more than 50% of the production...
    Redesigning feed formulation during price hikes: What can nutritionists do?

    Redesigning feed formulation during price hikes:What can nutritionists do?

    Nutritionists have several options to optimize animal performance in the context of price increases. However, it is necessary to have a more holistic view...
    Addressing efficiency: Late-finisher solution in the us shows value globally

    Addressing efficiency: Late-finisher solution in the US shows value globally

    Two global cooperatives in the agricultural industry have worked together for over 5 years in the fields of research, product development, and business development....
    Managing feed cost with exogenous enzymes in a volatile market

    Managing feed cost with exogenous enzymes in a volatile market

    Exogenous feed enzymes enhance digestibility of cereals, grain, legumes and oilseed meals. Each class of feed enzyme is unique, and can be deployed during...
    Improving fibre digestibility to unlock 3 Es in dairy production

    Improving fibre digestibility to unlock 3 Es in dairy production: EFFICIENCY, ECONOMICS AND ENVIRONMENTAL...

    Researchers at Ohio State University found that dietary changes can boost the amount of milk cows produce during the lactation period. Changing elements in...
    Preparing economical and nutritious feed formulations with MyNutriOpt

    Preparing economical and nutritious feed formulations with MyNutriOpt

    As they make decisions regarding animal feed formulation and production, animal nutritionists, feed formulators, and quality control professionals must address fluctuations in nutrient profiles, quality parameters and commodity prices. MyNutriOpt, the gateway to NutriOpt’s digital suite of solutions and services, delivers real-time information to support collaboration and efficient, informed decision making across the value chain. The system brings together multiple data sets into an easy-to-access resource that can help drive decisions regarding feed formulation, production economics and supplier management.
    4 ways to cope with increased feed prices

    4 ways to cope with increased feed prices

    These events are a stark reminder that for global agriculture climate change impacts are already a reality. High feed costs are an enormous challenge for the whole agricultural sector and sustainable strategies need to be adopted to enable a more efficient use of resources, both in the short and long term. This article explores possibilities to cope with the current situation. Through understanding the positions of farmers, integrators and feed millers and using targeted feed additive solutions, we can achieve a responsible use of resources that makes animal production more resilient to feed price increases.
    Save feed costs and reduce environmental footprint

    Save feed costs and reduce environmental footprint

    Enzymes have long been recognised as a way to reduce environmental impact, improve animal performance, and lower the cost of feed. In general, the use of exogenous enzymes in animal nutrition has been fundamentally based on the destruction of antinutritive compounds, which increases the digestibility of nutrients and improves productive yields. This article discusses new enzyme application strategies to maximize feed cost savings, mitigate phosphorus excretion, and reduce carbon emissions.