

Saturday, September 7



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    Home Tags Animal gut health

    Tag: animal gut health

    Evonik displays amino acids portfolio in China

    Evonik displays amino acids portfolio in China

    Evonik, one of the world’s leading specialty chemicals companies, is putting the spotlight on efficiency and sustainability benefits of amino acids portfolio, as well...
    Joint venture of Evonik and Vland Biotech commences operations

    Joint venture of Evonik and Vland Biotech commences operations

    The joint venture between Evonik China and Shandong Vland Biotech was inaugurated in Qingdao, China. The new venture Evonik Vland Biotech will focus on...
    Intestinal health as driver for an efficient animal production system

    Intestinal health as driver for an efficient animal production system

    The main objective of animal husbandry is an efficient and sustainable conversion of feed into milk, eggs and meat for human consumption. Hence the...
    The race to immune competence - How β-glucans can help

    The race to immune competence – How ß-glucans can help

    All animals are born without an adaptive immune system in place, it must be developed from scratch. It should be noted that most aquatic...
    Gut health and mycotoxins: What do we know so far?

    Gut health and mycotoxins: What do we know so far?

    Although mycotoxins are an unavoidable problem and can have a detrimental effect on gut health and the microbiome, some key management practices can help...
    Gut health status as a tool for evaluating animal robustness and resilience in commercial conditions

    Gut health status as a tool for evaluating animal robustness and resilience in commercial...

    Different biotechnologies are now available in the market and transferable to production animals to study the microbiome. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing is a...
    What is "gut health" in animal nutrition?

    What is “gut health” in animal nutrition?

    The optimization of farm animal diets and nutrition should also consider the various aspects of gastrointestinal functionality that contribute to improvement of animal health...
    The role of postbiotics in promoting gut health in poultry

    The role of postbiotics in promoting gut health in poultry

    Antibiotics are used in poultry production, mainly to improve gut health and performance. However, owing to growing concerns about the use of medically important...
    Seaweed has a positive influence on the gut microbiome of swine

    Seaweed supports gut health and performance in animal nutrition

    Marine macroalgae, more commonly known as seaweed, are an area of growing interest for animal nutritionists globally, due to their range of bioactive components...
    "Gut health" in animals, the ubiquitous term in animal nutrition

    “Gut health” in animals, the ubiquitous term in animal nutrition

    During the first days or weeks of life, depending on the animal species, the immature gut of young animals goes through growth and development...