

Saturday, February 8



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    Home Tags Alternative protein

    Tag: alternative protein

    Bunge Ventures invests in agtech company Nutrition Technologies

    Bunge Ventures invests in agtech company Nutrition Technologies

    Nutrition Technologies, a biotech company headquartered in Singapore and operating in Malaysia, has announced Bunge Ventures, the for-profit principal investing arm of Bunge, as...
    Protein digestibility kinetics: A key criterion for discriminating protein sources in feeds

    Protein digestibility kinetics: A key criterion for discriminating protein sources in feeds

    To feed the world’s growing population, the animal feed industry will need more protein sources. Competition with human-edible proteins, pressure on agricultural land, sustainability...
    New study: Arbiom SylPro® improves nutritional status of dogs

    New study: Arbiom SylPro ® improves nutritional status of dogs

    The inclusion of the alternative protein ingredient SylPro®in pet food significantly improves the nutritional status of dogs, according to the results of a new...
    Insect meal, a functional protein source to help fill the protein gap

    Insect meal, a functional protein source to help fill the protein gap

    Aquaculture is a fast-growing and efficient food production system and is expected to be the main contributor to the increased demand for animal proteins....
    Black soldier fly oil: A promising functional ingredient

    Black soldier fly oil: A promising functional ingredient

    The global vegetable oil production is located in only a few countries. This is a considerable concern for global food security as any destabilization...
    Penetrating the price barrier of insect protein for animal feed

    Penetrating the price barrier of insect protein for animal feed

    Magalarva collaborates with Indonesian government to solve food waste problem and provide sustainable protein source for the feed mill industry. With continued collaboration and...

    Scaling gas fermentation technology to market-size animal feed protein production

    The carbon footprint associated with conventional animal feed production methods and the products available today are renowned for being high. The good news is...
    Ensuring safety of mealworm products

    Ensuring safety of mealworm products

    With the growing demand for insect-based ingredients, particularly in the petfood and animal feed sector, it is ever more important to showcase product reliability...
    The impact of the insect industry on sustainable protein production

    The impact of the insect industry on sustainable protein production

    The challenge is already present, with the forecast of 10 billion human beings on the planet in 2050 and the resulting need for proteins....

    The importance of insects as a protein source in animal nutrition

    Proteins are an essential component of a healthy and balanced diet. They are a part of every cell in the body, and help the...