Symaga Group, one of the world’s leading silo manufactures, installed solar energy plant to power its factory in Spain, as part of the company’s commitment to sustainability and respect for the environment.
Symaga Group installed a photovoltaic solar energy plant to power its factory in Villarta de San Juan, Spain. “It is one more step in the commitment to sustainability and respect for the environment, which they already consolidated in 2018, with Environmental Management System ISO 14001,” the company said.
Solar panels were installed one of the covers of the buildings to generate green energy. This first phase will supply 25% of the total energy consumed by Symaga, while the Group aims to reach 100% in the second phase.
Within Symaga’s Continuous Improvement for Manufacturing Plan, the entrance to the plant was reorganized at a logistical level, improving the internal traffic of trucks and vehicles and parking spaces, for over 3,500 trucks that come and go every year within the factory. Two buildings were rebuilt, the first to control the entry and exit of vehicles, with a room to give Occupational Risk Prevention to all visitors and the second building with a new Training and Meeting room for Production team.
“Symaga Group maintains its philosophy of continuous improvement. The reduction of energy costs and logistics improvement, in the end, increase efficiency and competitiveness of our company and our silos, and reinforce the company’s commitment to reduce the environmental footprint,” Symaga said.