Sustainability and Feed Additives: The Future of Animal Protein Production

Derya Yıldız

Animal protein production plays a critical role for nutrition and food security worldwide. However, this form of production faces significant challenges in terms of environmental sustainability. Conventional animal protein production can cause serious environmental problems such as water and land use, greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss. Therefore, sustainability in animal protein production is an important factor that will shape the future of this sector.

Sustainability involves reducing environmental impacts as well as improving animal welfare and enhancing food safety. This can be achieved through strategies such as more efficient feed use, waste reduction and the use of renewable energy sources. It is known that alternative feed ingredients and feed additives have an important role, especially in increasing feed efficiency and reducing the environmental footprint of both livestock and feed, and this role will gradually increase in the future.

Similarly, in the pet food industry, sustainability and natural ingredients are among the topics discussed intensively, driven by demand from pet parents. Parents take a close interest in the health and welfare of their pets as they see them as members of the family. Health and welfare are primarily linked to nutritional quality. In addition, parents’ awareness and selectivity regarding environmental impact is increasing day by day. Therefore, the use of natural and sustainable ingredients in pet food is important for both the health of pets and the protection of the environment.

In this latest issue of 2023, where we focus on these two interrelated topics, we discussed how sustainability can be a growth and differentiation driver for the animal nutrition industry, and what are some of the best practices and examples of leading companies in this field. We hope you will find informative and useful.

Enjoy your reading! See you again in the first issue of the new year!

Wishing you a happy holiday season and wonderful New Year!