Study shows profitable return on investment for beef rearer with Orego-Stim

Anpario has announced the results of a new beef research on Orego-Stim, 100 percent natural oregano essential oil supplement. The new study shows a five percent improvement in daily liveweight gain and an impressive ROI of 2.5:1.

Study shows profitable return on investment for beef rearer with Orego-StimA commercial study was undertaken with an Aberdeen Angus contract beef rearer for a renowned UK retailer. The aim was to evaluate the effect of oregano essential oil feed additive Orego-Stim from Anpario on the performance of growing Aberdeen Angus cross beef cattle. The research resulted a five percent improvement in daily liveweight gain and an impressive ROI of 2.5:1.

Laura Corbett, product technical manager at Anpario

“Orego-Stim can be seen to be an effective component of forage-based rations for supporting target weight gains in growing beef cattle,” said Laura Corbett, product technical manager at Anpario. “Building good frame and maximising performance on grower forage-based rations will benefit costs of production in the longer term.”

A total of 140 housed steers, 260-280 days of age brought in at around 160kg and reared to around 450kg liveweight, were split into two groups. The control group were fed a forage-based basal total mixed ration (TMR) and the OEO supplemented group were fed the TMR with Orego-Stim included to provide 3g/head/day. The cattle were weighed every four-six weeks throughout the four-and-a-half month study period.

The addition of Orego-Stim to the ration resulted in a 5 percent improvement in daily liveweight gain and an additional 4.5kg of total liveweight gain throughout the study. The cattle fed rations supplemented with Orego-Stim had no notifiable health issues and the extra total liveweight gain resulted in more profit, with a return on investment of 2.5:1.

“With rising feed costs, it has become more important than ever for producers to ensure efficient feed conversion and improved growth rates,” added Laura Corbett. “This study demonstrates that Orego-Stim may be included in forage-based beef rations to support improved growth performance of beef cattle and provide a sustainable, natural tool to optimise producer profitability.”

Natural oregano oil sources have many well-documented properties, including antimicrobial, antioxidant and immunomodulatory functions. Orego-Stim, developed and manufactured by independent feed additive manufacturer Anpario, is a phytogenic feed additive formulated from a unique source of 100 percent natural oregano essential oil.  The outcome of this commercial trial demonstrates how Orego-Stim can benefit growing cattle performance; by aiding ration palatability and intakes, supporting good animal health, and minimising the impact of any stress during rearing.