Share our excitement!

Dear industry representatives,

Derya Yıldız

At the end of a long and tiring marathon, we are finally happy to bring you the first issue of our magazine.

Preparing this magazine was an exciting, enjoyable and stressful journey for us. We are talking about a long process because it took long time for the idea of Feed & Additive to emerge, complete infrastructure preparations, and come to life as both a web portal and a magazine.

While developing this project idea, our most important principle was to make a difference in what we do. For this, it was very important to read animal nutrition and feed industry correctly, to see the needs and expectations well, and to analyze forecasts about the future of the sector well.

As a result, Feed & Additive first came to life as a web portal. Subsequently, we started our efforts for the magazine. While creating the annual plans of our magazine, we benefited a lot from the readings we made and the experiences we gained throughout the process. You will see the traces of some of them in this first issue. I hope the results would enable each component of the industry to find a place for itself under the roof of Feed & Additive.

We know that we have very valuable and successful competitors publishing for the animal nutrition and feed industry. I would like to express that we have great respect for all of them and that they shed light on many issues, both with the content they produce and with what they put forward as a media organization. For this, I would be pleased to thank them personally.

I believe that we will make significant contributions to the industry by improving and developing in a beautiful and valuable competitive environment in the upcoming periods.

And most importantly;
Feed & Additive has received the most important contribution in this preparation process from valuable industry members. We would like to thank all of them for their trust and belief in us for a publication that is still in project phase. This project could not turn into a real magazine without their news, articles, interviews and ads. The value of your enormous contributions is priceless…

We are still at the beginning of the road; we have a long way to go and a lot to learn. However, we also have beautiful dreams and minds focused on doing the best…

We will be happy to realize these together with you. Please feel free to share your ideas, suggestions and criticisms with us…

Hope to see you in the next issue,