SFR and FeedValid intensify their collaboration for innovation and research

Schothorst Feed Research ( SFR ) and FeedValid have announced that they will work together on many issues such as additional research on existing and new feed ingredients, consultancy, and training and education programs.

SFR and FeedValid intensify their collaboration for innovation and researchSchothorst Feed Research (SFR), an independent research company in animal nutrition, and FeedValid, a company working in the business of animal feed and circular feed ingredients, have unveiled that they will intensify their many collaborations, including additional research on existing and new feed ingredients, consultancy and education & training programs.

“A logical step,” says Wilfried van Straalen, senior researcher and consultant ruminants at SFR: “We largely cater to the same population of clients, and over the years, SFR has performed many feed and raw materials research trials for FeedValid. More intense collaboration will strengthen our bond.” “With more than thirty years of experience in circular raw materials, we know what is important for our customers; reliable and up-to-date data, stable raw materials and feed safety. This is guaranteed thanks to our experience and the scientific research from SFR,” confirms nutritionist Anouk Hagens at FeedValid.

SFR and FeedValid will work together on many issues, additional research on existing and new feed ingredients, consultancy, and training & education programs. “At FeedValid, we are a frontrunner in circular animal feed ingredients. We will share our knowledge about circular raw materials through SFR trainings and contribute to research in order to stimulate innovation within our sector,” says Jannet de Jong, head of Innovation and R&D at FeedValid. “And we can rely on SFRs experience for various issues, such as evaluating the feeding values of circular feed ingredients or the percentage of intestinal digestible protein in our for rumen resistant proteins,” Anouk Hagens adds.

According to Van Straalen, the experience and insights in the world of raw materials and feed ingredients that FeedValid brings to the table is valuable for SFR: “Their input gives us a broader perspective on developments in the feed ingredients market. And this helps us to focus our future research activities.”

The circular raw material markets are challenging and volatile, says SFR sales manager Edwin Bleumer: “Human food, pet food, livestock feed, and biofuels all compete for partly the same raw materials. At the same time, the biofuel sector yields new byproducts that become available for animal nutrition.” “At FeedValid, we are specialised in upgrading feed ingredients. We have a wide range of ingredients with a low CO2 footprint and always anticipate on emerging raw materials. Our customers expect up-to-date information and knowledge. The close collaboration with SFR ensures that we can provide this knowledge,” Hagens emphasises.

Both organizations are in it for the long run: “This is a long-term commitment,” De Jong confirms, “and we are convinced that this collaboration will benefit FeedValid, Schothorst Feed Research, and our clients.” Bleumer and Van Straalen couldn’t agree more.