Selko webinar to explore managing mycotoxin risk in dairy cows

As part of Selko Feed Additive’s Global Webinar Series, two scientists known for their research on mycotoxins will present a new course on managing mycotoxin risk in dairy cows on October 27th.

Selko webinar to explore managing mycotoxin risk in dairy cowsTwo scientists renowned for their research on mycotoxins and the threats they pose to dairy cows’ health and performance will present a new course in Selko Feed Additive’s Global Webinar Series on Thursday, 27 October. The “Multi-pronged Approach to Mycotoxin Risk Management in Dairy Cows” webinar will be presented at two times: 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. CEST, with a duration of one hour and 15 minutes.

Antonio Gallo, Associate Professor in Animal Nutrition, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Italy, will share discoveries regarding nascent areas of mycotoxin research. While Fusarium mycotoxins deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone (ZEN) and Fumonisins from B class (FBs) have been widely studied, very little in vivo research has been conducted when it comes to how these mycotoxins threaten nutrient digestibility and rumen function in dairy cows. Similarly, previous research has largely focused on how mycotoxins influence milk production parameters, with little focus on how mycotoxins influence cheese. Prof. Gallo’s presentation will share how an enhanced understanding of the mode of action Fusarium-produced mycotoxins rely on is leading to new insights about the threats that mycotoxins pose for dairy cow health and productivity.

During the webinar’s second half, Dr. Swamy Haladi, Global Programme Manager Mycotoxin Risk Management, Selko Feed Additives will dispel the prevalent myth that ruminants are equipped to manage mycotoxin exposure better than other livestock species. Explaining an integrated and holistic approach to mitigate mycotoxin challenges, Dr. Haladi will discuss the complexities posed by masked and emerging mycotoxins, as well as the specific risks that must be mitigated at every stage of feed production – from raw crops in the field through harvest, storage, transport and processing. Dr. Haladi’s remarks will address why mitigation strategies must go beyond conventional binding approaches. He will review how a multi-pronged strategy can leverage multiple mechanisms to manage and mitigate mycotoxin issues.

Bringing a practical application to the presentation, Prof. Gallo and Dr. Haladi will share research insights from the University of Sacre Coeur demonstrating the efficacy of a broad-spectrum and integrated approach to mycotoxin management.

 The webinar is free of charge, and attendees can register here.