New study: Arbiom SylPro ® improves nutritional status of dogs

The inclusion of the alternative protein ingredient SylPro®in pet food significantly improves the nutritional status of dogs, according to the results of a new study shared by Arbiom.

New study: Arbiom SylPro® improves nutritional status of dogsArbiom, an agricultural-biotechnology company developing solutions to deliver next generation protein ingredients, announced the results of a new scientific study evaluating its high-quality and sustainable alternative protein ingredient SylPro® for use in petfood. The study was conducted at Four Rivers Kennel, a leading US independent facility for minimally invasive canine nutrition research and dog feeding trials. The study aimed to evaluate the functional performance of SylPro inclusion in the diets of adult dogs suffering from chronic loose stools.

The study results indicate that the inclusion of SylPro, in substitution for the chicken meal, improved nutrient digestibility, particularly protein, among dogs with chronically loose stools. Further analysis of inflammatory biomarkers demonstrated evidence of reduced intestine inflammation for dogs fed with the SylPro diet. “The impact of loose stools goes beyond a mere nuisance and can impact the nutritional status and well-being of a dog. The improvement to nutrient digestibility in dogs with loose stools when fed a SylPro-based diet is an important finding and may prove to be a critical strategy towards improving the nutritional plane of adult dogs,” said Dr. Ricardo Ekmay, Senior Vice President of Nutrition and Product Development at Arbiom.

In addition, the study showed that inclusion of SylPro reduced feed rejection in dogs with loose stools.  “SylPro has shown to be a highly palatable protein product in pet food applications. This research provides evidence that the high level of palatability extends to situations when food intake is often impacted,” Ekmay added.

According to the company, SylPro is an ideal ingredient for healthy pet nutrition, as demonstrated by several trials in dogs and cats highlighting excellent digestibility and palatability. “Consistent with previous trials, the results of this study further demonstrate the benefits of SylPro in petfood as a nutritional and functional protein source,” said Amélie Drouault, VP of Business Development.

Arbiom will attend Petfood Forum in Kansas City (May 1-3) and will feature SylPro at Zoomark International in Bologna (May 15-17).