New cattle trial to test water-based delivery of Rumin8’s methane reducing additive

Researchers at Central Queensland University (CQU) will soon commence an experiment to test the ability of Australian climate technology company Rumin8’s additive to reduce methane emissions from cattle when delivered in their drinking water.

New cattle trial to test water-based delivery of Rumin8’s methane reducing additiveThe experiment is testing a range of methane-reducing compounds to determine if they can be safely and effectively delivered to cattle via automated water medication systems to decrease enteric methane emissions.

Laboratory trials of Rumin8’s additive – which reproduces nature’s ingredients to develop climate friendly feed supplements that reduce methane emissions from livestock – indicate it is effective when applied in either a powder, oil or liquid form.

“The CQU trial will be our first animal trial using a water-based application and our lab results give us confidence that it will perform in the field,” said Rumin8 Managing Director David Messina.

“Most of the current methane reducing additives use feed-based delivery to livestock. Successful delivery of the methane reducing additive through a water trough, if successful, could provide an opportunity for rangeland and pasture-based beef production systems to reduce their methane emissions, opening up a significant new market for Rumin8,” he added.

“At any one time there are about 24 million cattle in Australia eating grass and it’s important that we provide a methane solution to those farmers who are breeding and finishing rangeland and pastured-fed cattle. The commercial uptake of herd-scale applications of existing feed additives and animal health treatments through water-based delivery is still in its infancy, so this will be a learning process for all stakeholders in the trial.”

The experiment is part of a project funded by Meat and Livestock Australia and Advance Queensland and is being implemented by CQU and DIT AgTech.

“The compounds will be delivered in the same way as fluoride is added to human drinking water or as additives are mixed in fuel for engine efficiency – measured doses dissolved in the water and supplied to cattle via automated technology,” said CQU researcher Dr Diogo Costa.