METEX NOOVISTAGO offers nutritional strategies to improve sustainability

At the 14th Poultry Research Days, METEX NØØVISTAGO presented two research papers, pointing out crude protein reduction in broiler diets, and its beneficial effects on sustainability, with a focus on carbon footprint.

METEX NOOVISTAGO offers nutritional strategies to improve sustainability The 14th Journées de la Recherche Avicole (JRA, Poultry Research Days) organized in Tours on March 9-10, 2022 was an opportunity for METEX NØØVISTAGO to exchange on one critical challenge of the poultry production: the environmental impact. Two research papers, presented as posters, were published both on the concept of the crude protein reduction in broiler diets, and its beneficial effects on sustainability, with a focus on carbon footprint.

This idea, widely documented by METEX NØØVISTAGO’s R&D, is supported by the fact that 70 to 80% of the carbon footprint of the broiler industry comes from the feed production. Then, feed formulation becomes a direct lever for sustainability: lowering the dietary crude protein allows reducing climate change impact thanks to lower soybean meal inclusion together with the decrease of excessive nitrogen.

“This nutritional strategy allows playing on several aspects of sustainability: climate change, eutrophication, and acidification. It can be implemented now as our newly available amino acids make those diets safe in terms of performance. The goal of the two papers is to confirm the concept and quantify the benefits,” says William Lambert, Scientific and Technical Manager for METEX NØØVISTAGO.

Indeed, the first poster details one specific experiment, made in partnership with a French premixer, where a reduction of 1% and -2% crude protein is applied in two different sanitary conditions. The results showed that low crude protein diets supplemented with the right amino acid profile allow to maintain broiler performance and to improve sustainability indicators. The second work is a large review of the studies performed by METEX NØØVISTAGO regarding this topic and brings an impressive set of data.

Simon Fontaine, Innovation and Solution Manager

“We compiled 29 ‘low crude protein trials’ made up in collaboration with customers, or industry partners using a meta-analytical approach. The concept on safe performance is then validated but in addition, we do have a model allowing customers to predict the impacts of such implementation on the field,” comments Simon Fontaine, Innovation and Solution Manager and co-author of the paper.

Those works bring valuable information and show that there is no longer choice to be made between sustainability and performance. Economy completes the equation. “Last part of the work has been to document and validate a specific technical approach, called Agile Nutrition, in order to optimize the cost efficiency of this innovation,” adds Simon Fontaine.