As we navigate the complexities of sustainability, it’s essential to understand its origins, its evolving definitions, and its practical implications across different sectors. This article delves into the multifaceted nature of sustainability, particularly focusing on ecological practices in livestock farming, to shed light on how we can balance current needs with those of future generations.
Senior Director Precision Services
dsm-firmenich Animal Nutrition & Health
Today, sustainability is ever-present. Nearly every sector talks about it, from national railways to food retail, the automotive industry to agriculture – an industry that is under increasing scrutiny with regards to its environmental credentials. Sustainability has become a trend, a zeitgeist, and even a lifestyle.
However, the topic of sustainability also polarizes opinions. Who is truly responsible for climate change? Should one always feel guilty when flying in an airplane, or eating a beef fillet steak?
The term ‘sustainable’ is often perceived as subjective, similarly to descriptors like ‘beautiful’ or ‘good.’ Labeling something as sustainable evokes positive associations and is therefore frequently used in marketing. This trend naturally extends to agriculture, and the production of animal-derived foods. There is debate over the actual contribution of livestock farming to global greenhouse emissions, with estimates ranging from under 10% to over 30%. Some commentators often suggest that avoiding milk, eggs, and meat (but not long-distance travel) could save the world. However, all industries must be a part of a global climate solution.
The term ‘sustainability’ originated in forestry and was first used in the 18th century by German forestry official Hans Carl von Carlowitz. In his 1713 work Sylvicultura Oeconomica, he described that only as many trees should be taken from a forest as could regrow through replanting. His definition of sustainability remains influential, extending beyond forestry to guide broader environmental, economic, and social practices.
Since then, the concept of sustainability has evolved. It now encompasses meeting the needs of the present generation, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves numerous aspects, including environment, ecological, economic, and social.
Sustainability means meeting the needs of the present generation, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Understanding and quantifying the ecological sustainability of animal protein (eggs, meat, milk, and seafood) is largely a well-defined, science-based process.
The most recognized and relevant metric in this field is the Global Warming Potential (GWP), or more simply, the carbon footprint. The GWP quantifies the release of climate-relevant gases, including not just carbon dioxide but also other gases such as methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases, each converted into CO2 equivalents (CO2eq).
Where robust records are kept, it’s possible to see documented cases where a country’s carbon footprint is lowered over time.
Take the example of Germany, where overall CO2eq emissions fell by 40% from 1990 to 2022. Over that period, the German agriculture sector was able to achieve a 21% reduction in emissions.
The reduction in agricultural emissions is mainly due to the ability to ‘do more with less’ e.g. efficiency and productivity improvements. This has been achieved through on-farm optimization: next to the improvements in crop farming, by improvements in animal breeding, nutrition, health and welfare.
The supply chain is also tighter, with better crop yields and optimized manure management. This resource-efficient farming is not only crucial for food security but also necessary for reducing the carbon footprint of food products. This requires not only sector-wide considerations, but also farm-specific and industry-specific analyses based on primary data, or smart farming technology.
Calculating the CO2 balance and sustainability metrics of your farm will eventually become as routine as calculating a nutrient balance or feed efficiency today. Farmers already measure and manage significant amounts of data through smart farm management tools.
Growing demand for sustainability data along the food value chain is here, coming from food processors and retailers for their sustainability criteria, and the banking sector for evaluating financing activity using Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria.
Food production involves a natural (referred to as ‘green’) carbon cycle. Put simply: in agricultural and grassland production, naturally occurring carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere and converted into plant biomass. This biomass is either consumed directly by humans or converted by farm animals into meat, milk, and eggs. This carbon dioxide is exhaled back into the atmosphere, continuing the cycle.
However, to sustain this cycle, we often rely on fossil fuels, which emit additional (referred to as ‘black’) carbon dioxide that does not originate from the natural cycle, leading to an atmospheric increase in greenhouse gases. These emissions come from the operation of machinery, production of fertilizers refrigeration, transportation, and retail. The carbon footprint of food includes only the ‘black’ carbon, while the ‘green’ carbon dioxide is not contributing to climate change.
‘Black’ carbon dioxide comes from various sources:
• Fossil emissions: These result from diesel, gasoline, natural gas, and oil consumption, both directly on the farm and in the production of machinery and inputs (e.g., fertilizers). In dairy and beef production, this can constitute 30% to 50% of total emissions.
• Biogenic emissions: These include other climate-relevant gases such as methane and nitrous oxide from enteric fermentation and manure storage and application. These gases trap more heat than CO2, but fades from the atmosphere in about a decade, in comparison to the century of CO2. In dairy and beef production, biogenic emissions account for 20% to 40% of total emissions, mainly due to methane from natural fermentation in the animal’s rumen. Methane can be significantly reduced in microbial methane production by using rumen-active feed additives like 3-NOP Bovaer®, which blocks the production of methane by the rumen microflora.
• Land-use change emissions: Land-use change (LUC) assesses carbon dioxide emissions from converting permanent grassland and rainforest into cropland. Depending on the feed composition, this can account for 5% to 10% in dairy and beef production, but over 30% in poultry and pork production due to protein sources like soy meal grown on deforested land. In Europe, land conversion for cultivation occurred centuries ago, so feed of European origin typically has low land-use change emissions.
Calculating the carbon footprint of animal protein production involves assessing the consumption of energy, feed, and inputs to determine the amount of ‘black’ carbon dioxide per kilogram of milk or live weight. This process, once very time-consuming and costly, has been significantly simplified and accelerated by online digital environmental foot-printing platforms like Sustell™ by dsm-firmenich. These programs also help adhere to various norms and standards in this field (ISO 14044, EU-PEFCR, FAO-LEAP).
Within animal farming, feed related emissions are the primary source of CO2 emissions across any species in livestock farming, contributing anywhere from 50% to 80% of the environmental footprint of meat, eggs, milk, and farmed seafood. Hence, improving feed efficiency through better feed hygiene and better rumen and gut health can also improve the CO2 balance.
Rather than forgoing modern inputs, a resource-efficient and location-adapted approach to animal feed using modern production methods helps reduce emissions from livestock farming. Today’s concept of sustainability is far removed from the “Jute-statt-Plastik” (Jute instead of Plastic) movement of the 90s and has become a modern, cool, and fact-based domain.
Individuals may vary in their views on the human contribution to global warming. However, in today’s economic world, much is assessed, measured, and valued for its environmental impact, including food – which is understandable considering up to 30% of an individual’s GHG footprint is associated with the food consumed. Animal protein production and animal-based foods are often criticized for significantly contributing to global warming. Part of this footprint is associated with animal protein, but it should also be noted that, animal-based foods often have a much better environmental profile than commonly perceived in public discourse and have an important, vital role to play in a circular economy.
That’s why it is crucial for the livestock sector and each farm to build a robust knowledge and data foundation to take a proactive stance in communication and leadership on this topic.