Leading companies launch pilot to reduce methane emissions on farms

FrieslandCampina, Agrifirm, Agravis and Alzchem have launched a one-year pilot with additive Eminex to reduce methane emissions from storing manure. The methane emission reductions will be measured at Wageningen University & Research.

Leading companies launch pilot to reduce methane emissions on farmsFrieslandCampina, Agrifirm, Agravis and Alzchem have launched a one-year pilot with the manure additive Eminex, aimed at reducing methane emissions when storing manure. Ten-member dairy farmers of FrieslandCampina in the Netherlands and Germany are taking part in the pilot. They will gain practical experience with the additive and investigate to what extent the innovation can be incorporated into their farm operations.

When manure is stored for a longer period, it leads to emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. FrieslandCampina aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on member dairy farms by 33% in 2030 compared to 2015. It works together with various parties to carry out pilots and unlock innovations that have the potential of lowering the impact on climate and nature. Eminex is an innovative manure additive that significantly reduces methane emissions released during manure storage. Research has shown methane emissions during manure storage can be reduced significantly under certain conditions. The additive was developed by German company Alzchem.

FrieslandCampina stated that it is working together with various chain partners to unlock and scale up innovations that contribute to lower greenhouse gas emissions on the farm. In doing so, it is important to investigate the experiences of member dairy farmers to what extent innovations can be incorporated into business operations. Ten FrieslandCampina member dairy farmers from the Netherlands and Germany will participate in this pilot with Eminex. In the Netherlands, the pilot farms are closely accompanied by the supplier Agrifirm and in Germany by the supplier Agravis.

Luuk Thijssen, FrieslandCampina member dairy farmer from Groesbeek, the Netherlands, is one of the pilot participants: “I am looking forward to gaining more experience with the manure additive and sharing my experiences. The addition of Eminex retains more nutrients in the manure, which is beneficial for my crops. It also potentially saves space in the manure storage, as there is less foam on the manure. If it is shown to also significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions from manure storage, that would be even better. Then the knife cuts both ways.”

At the Dairy Campus in Leeuwarden, Wageningen University & Research’s research and practice centre for dairy farming and the dairy chain, the methane emission reductions will be measured. This research is done so that the greenhouse gas reductions achieved in practice with Eminex can be demonstrated in with substantiated data and can be included in the Annual Nutrient Cycling Assessment, which provides insight into the greenhouse gas emissions of a dairy farm.