GMP+ Academy launched during live online event

GMP+ International and several international training institutes launched the GMP+ Academy during an online event. The platform connects feed professionals from all over the world to acquire and share skills and expertise.

GMP+ Academy launched during live online eventFeed safety scheme holder GMP+ International and internationally renowned training institutes launched the GMP+ Academy during an online event on July 7, 2021.

Attendants of the live online event received a virtual tour of the GMP+ Academy platform, listened to a panel discussion with international feed safety experts, and participated in breakout sessions with GMP+ Registered Training Institutes.

The GMP+ Academy platform connects feed professionals from all over the world to acquire and share feed safety skill and expertise.

According to Johan den Hartog, Managing Director of GMP+ International, knowledge is a crucial prerequisite for successfully implementing feed safety management systems, and to realise feed safety worldwide.

“Feed companies often struggle to organise knowledge transfer within their company”, says Den Hartog. “The GMP+ Academy thus answers the needs of the sector. It enables companies to use, develop and share top-of-the-line feed safety training materials. By joining forces, training institutes and companies save money and have access to higher quality trainings, while we ensure that companies all over the world base their trainings and policies on the same information.”

Angela Booth from AB Agri, who took part in a panel discussion during the launch, stressed that knowledge is critical for preventing incidents – or minimizing their impact. “Incidents always occur because of people doing something, not doing something, or missing the proper knowledge.”

Brazilian feed safety consultant Angela Pellegrino Missaglia told the online audience that sharing information is fundamental for a healthy and future-proof feed industry. “As clients and suppliers we are all connected, but each of us deals with different methods, regulations and cultures. Having access to the same information and training materials will go a long way in strengthening the chain.”

Joris de Gooijer, Senior Marketeer at GMP+ International, gave attendants a virtual tour of the GMP+ Academy platform. He emphasised it is open to all feed safety professionals – whether GMP+ certified or not. De Gooijer urged professionals to sign up at get acquainted with the platform, join discussions, and regularly check back for updates.

The Academy is a joint effort from GMP+ International, Feed Design Lab, Ways Europe, Technik-Umwelt-Vertrieb BG (TBG), Schouten Advies, Sindirações – Sindicato das Indústrias de Alimentação Animal, AB Agri, De Heus, Nutreco and Agravis. It is owned by a not-for-profit foundation, and all proceeds will be invested in the platform. Training institutes that are not yet part of the platform but would like to contribute are encouraged to contact GMP+ International.

To check out the GMP+ Academy visit