Global aqua feed experts share insights on achieving optimal aqua feed quality 

Two leading aquaculture experts will present strategies to optimize the quality, durability and economics of aqua feed during a one-hour webinar on July 7th, held as part of global webinar series of Selko, Trouw Nutrition’s feed additive brand.

As geopolitical tensions continue to challenge both the supply and price of feed grains, two renowned aquaculture experts will present strategies to optimize the quality, durability and economics of aqua feed. Presented on Thursday, July 7th, “Optimise aqua feed production”, is a one-hour webinar led by Jan Jonkers and Dr. Saravanan Subramanian. The episode on aqua feed is the latest programme in Selko’s global webinar series.

Drawing on a rich background in R&D and experience optimizing production in commercial aqua feed production environments, Jonkers and Dr. Subramanian will share practical advice on the parameters that comprise feed quality and review strategies to optimise aqua feed quality during various stages of production including grinding, conditioning and extrusion.

The webinar will demonstrate how improving feed quality parameters can benefit not only various aquatic species, but can potentially enhance the performance of farm equipment, feed mill operations and ultimately the brand value of commercial aqua feed. Content will expand upon the factors involved in aqua feed processing and quality management to consider how process moisture can influence feed hygiene, feed durability and potentially energy efficiency at the production facility.

“Thoughtful consideration of quality parameters can significantly reduce variation in aqua feed, enhance durability, manage stability and achieve consistent quality,” said Jan Jonkers of Jan Jonkers Consultancy. “The efficiency and economics of every aspect of production must be considered at times when input costs are on the rise.”

Attendance is free but registration is required at the following link.