First Dutch seaweed farm Zeewaar joins The Seaweed Company

Zeewaar, the first Dutch and organically certified seaweed farm, has been acquired by The Seaweed Company. With the acquisition, The Seaweed Company strengthens its position in the seaweed applications and ingredients.

First Dutch seaweed farm Zeewaar joins The Seaweed Company
Zeewaar seaweed farm at National Park Oosterschelde

Zeewaar, the first Dutch and organically certified seaweed farm and located in a unique location in the Oosterschelde National Park, has a new owner. After years of inspiring leadership by the seaweed pioneers Rebecca Wiering and Jennifer Breaton, the duo and the partners involved (e.g. impact investors DOEN Participaties and Goeie Grutten Impact Fonds) have decided to sell the company to The Seaweed Company.

With the acquisition of Zeewaar, The Seaweed Company strengthens its position in the ‘Blue Food’ market to put seaweed applications and ingredients on the menu in a fast growing market of consumers and companies in Europe looking for high-quality and reliable seaweed.

The Zeewaar company, founded in 2013 by Rebecca and Jennifer, produces seaweed organically in its own seaweed farm and processing facility in and at the Jacobahaven, Kamperland. Over the past decade, Zeewaar has further developed the market for seaweed products in the Netherlands by collaborating with brands such as Hema, ProLaTerre (part of SoFine Foods) and The Dutch Weedburger (part of Livekindly Collective). Partnerships have been set up with several sustainable European seaweed companies to meet the increasing demand for seaweed.

Zeewaar grows seaweeds in the Oosterschelde National Park in an organic and sustainable manner, which is ideally suited for human consumption. The production and processing of this has been expanded and professionalized step by step by the founders. At the moment, the seaweed is grown on an area of about 2 football fields with the possibility to expand this further. The harvest is processed locally in its own processing facility. It is the first seaweed farm in the EU to have implemented the highest food safety standards.

Zeewaar founders & Seaweed grown in Zeewaar farm

Over the past decade, the founders have put their heart and soul into developing Zeewaar, as a pioneering seaweed farm, into a reliable producer of premium seaweed products for food purposes. The founders’ mission was to get sustainable seaweed farming off the ground in the EU and that has succeeded. The emphasis is now on logistics and therefore the time has come for the founders to pass on the baton.

“The seaweed industry in the EU is growing but is still in its infancy. After 10 years of pioneering as an impact entrepreneur, the time has come to transfer our seaweed farm and wholesaler to a passionate team with a different composition. Joining The Seaweed Company will ensure that Zeewaar continues to develop and we are confident that the impact achieved will be further increased. We are grateful for the support and encouragement from our customers and consumers, the Province of Zeeland, the EU for the Interreg 2Seas Valgorize subsidy and finally our seaweed colleagues worldwide. The Seaweed Company is the best partner for the future development of Zeewaar and we are therefore very happy with this new owner,” says Rebecca Wiering.

“We are very pleased that Rebecca and Jennifer have chosen to entrust their business to The Seaweed Company. As mission-driven entrepreneurs, they have developed a unique company in a beautiful location. In the Netherlands, Zeeland is the hotspot where we can take major steps forward with the seaweed industry. We look forward to doing so in collaboration with all partners – from government to research institutions, and from consumers to other seaweed and fisheries companies,” says Joost Wouters, SeaEO of The Seaweed Company.

Jennifer Breaton, co-founder of Zeewaar, also confirms that The Seaweed Company and Zeewaar are a good match: “It was and remains a fantastic experience to be able to shape Zeewaar from day one, and with the knowledge gained, we know better than anyone else what our company needs for the future. We have always worked well with our seaweed colleagues abroad and the connection with The Seaweed Company goes way back in time. The choice for The Seaweed Company was therefore logical: Zeewaar will benefit from the work and experience of Dr. Stefan Kraan, marine biologist and co-founder, and his multidisciplinary team at The Seaweed Company.”

Ultimately, The Seaweed Company’s goal is to achieve sustainable impact, something seaweed is ideally suited for. Rebecca and Jennifer are leaving Zeewaar behind but will support and applaud The Seaweed Company team in their mission to bring seaweed applications and ingredients to the menu of more consumers and businesses in Europe.