FEFAC updates sustainability commitments

FEFAC has released its 4th Feed Sustainability Charter Progress Report, including an outlook of its 2023 activities. The report also included the federation’s new commitments pertaining to its five sustainability ambitions for the years towards 2030.  

The European Compound Feed Manufacturers’ Federation – FEFAC has published its 4th Feed Sustainability Progress Report, providing an overview of its 2023 activities and deliverables in relation to the five ambitions that were included in the FEFAC Feed Sustainability Charter 2030, released in September 2020. These five ambitions jointly provide a comprehensive approach on how the European Feed Industry can contribute to the development of more sustainable livestock and aquaculture value chains. The past year was marked by discussions on the implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation and the views on Open Strategic Autonomy for feed ingredients, while the FEFAC Annual Event in June 2024 was largely dedicated to market & regulatory drivers to increase the circularity and reduce carbon emissions of EU livestock production.

In the 4th Progress Report, FEFAC also looks forward and included new commitments pertaining to each of the five ambitions for the years towards 2030. FEFAC explained it considers that the initial commitments it included in the original Feed Sustainability Charter 2030 publication have been successfully delivered on and were subject to an update.

“Our updated commitments are well-timed with the start of the new, 2024–2029 legislative mandate of the European Commission. We demonstrate that that the European feed industry is setting its own objectives to boost sustainable feed production and look forward to engage with policy makers on these topics,” says FEFAC President Pedro Cordero.

The five ambition chapters are also reportedly linked up with the aspirational targets of the EU Code of Conduct for Responsible Business & Marketing Practices, of which FEFAC is a signatory since 2021.