FEFAC to hold 65th Public Annual Meeting: Future Proofing Feed

FEFAC will organize its “65th Public Annual Meeting: Future Proofing Feed” event on June 11 on a 3D virtual conference platform.

65th Public Annual Meeting: Future Proofing Feed #FutureOfFeedFEFAC, the European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation, announced the event programme and speakers of its “65th Public Annual Meeting: Future Proofing Feed” on June 11 starting at 09:30 – 13:00 CET is confirmed. This year’s event will be hosted on a 3D virtual conference platform.

Janusz Wojciechowski, EU Commissioner for Agriculture, will provide the opening message to the event. The event will also welcome keynote messages from Maria do Céu Antunes, EU Farm Council President and Christiane Lambert, President, Copa-Cogeca.

During the event, there will be two plenary sessions which include keynote papers and panel discussions, along with an interactive Q&A with the audience, moderated by Florence Ranson:

  1. Innovation in animal nutrition to tackle climate change & environmental impacts of the EU livestock and aquaculture sector
  2. Greening of CAP reform – new pathways towards sustainable and competitive supplies of feed proteins to the EU livestock and aquaculture sector?

Other High profile speakers and panellists from the European Commission and value chain partners will prompt a rich debate and discussions on the future direction of travel for the EU livestock and feed industry on the way to reach Green Deal targets, sustainably and profitably.