Feed & Additive Magazine Issue 47 December 2024

NEWS FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE December 2024 9 One of the leading manufacturers of premixes and mineral feed for feed production, Vilofoss introduced its latest innovation for the poultry industry: ShellFoss. The company explained that this specialized mineral feed is designed to optimize eggshell stability, specifically for laying hens, providing effective protection against cracked and misshapen eggs, particularly during the hens' later laying stages. As laying hens age, eggshell strength often decreases, leading to a higher rate of breakage and reduced profitability in egg production. ShellFoss was specifically developed to address this problem, Vilofoss points out. With its unique composition, it supports the mineralization of eggshells, resulting in stronger and more stable eggs-even in older hens in the advanced laying phase. In addition to its application in commercial laying hens, ShellFoss is also suitable for use in parent stocks. Improved eggshell quality here promotes better "hatching egg hygiene", leading to better hatch rates, the company claims. ShellFoss is based on a unique combination of vitamins, trace elements and a uniquely refined plant extract. Instead of offering a simple, single "nutrient solution", the product provides a multifactorial approach. Read more>> France-based Olmix announced the official launch of its MycoKingdom.net website, a platform dedicated to the management and understanding of mycotoxin risk. Olmix states that this initiative aims to address a growing concern in the agricultural sector, where mycotoxins represent a major issue for animal nutrition. Present in a wide variety of crops such as corn and wheat, they can have harmful effects on animal health if not properly controlled. Myco’Kingdom gathers seven functionalities for identifying, assessing, preventing and managing mycotoxin risk, in order to minimize economic losses linked to contamination. “Thanks to this platform of interactive tools, designed for simple, intuitive navigation, Olmix is extending its range of services to support livestock professionals on a daily basis: nutritionists, formulators, technicians, veterinarians and breeders,” explains Marie Gallissot, Head of The Mycotoxin Solutions Range at Olmix. Among the tools on offer is Myco’Essential, now available in a digital version, a real guide containing general information on the nature of mycotoxins (around 30 different molecules studied belonging to 9 families) and more specific information on their effects on animals and the level of toxicity of the most common mycotoxins, according to Olmix’s statement. In addition, the Myco’Simulator provides an in-depth understanding of mycotoxins. It shows the structure of the six main mycotoxins to learn about their physico-chemical behavior, which gives them their toxicity. Read more>> Vilofoss unveils new feed supplement for poultry industry Olmix launches new platform for mycotoxin risk management