SUSTAINABILITY FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE December 2024 75 About Vicky Hyejin Yoo Vicky Yoo joined CJ BIO as a Technical Marketing Manager of Animal Health in 2019. She holds a Master’s degree in Veterinary Medicine at Seoul National University. Since joining CJ BIO, she has gained extensive experience in conducting experimental trials on enzymes and gut health products. Vicky Hyejin Yoo provides technical support to end users, helping them maximize animal health and productivity through value-added solutions. Moreover, GutLukTM also shows the efficacies in boosting growth performance and egg production in broilers and layers. For example, a research farm trial in which broilers were fed a diet supplemented with GutLukTM 0.03% showed increased average daily gain and production indices and decreased mortality. Furthermore, egg production rate of layers fed a diet supplemented with GutLukTM 0.03% were remarkably increased to 87% from 83% in a commercial farm trial conducted in Indonesia. CONCLUSIONS The livestock industry is struggling with increasing concerns about numerous enteric diseases and elevated regulations for sustainable farming. Therefore, choosing an effective gut health solution product can be a breakthrough in reducing production costs and improving production efficiency. GutLukTM is a natural AGP alternative, which improves growth performance through inhibition of pathogen overgrowth. Furthermore, it is free from resistance and residue concerns because it is a phytogenic blend that maintains the bactericidal effects of bile salts, an innate antimicrobial agent. Lastly, compared to other phytogenic products, GutLukTM has superior anti-microbial effects verified in commercial farm studies. The gut health solution of GutLukTM can be a strategic asset that contributes to successful and sustainable swine and poultry production. References available upon your request.