ISSUE FOCUS 52 FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE December 2024 Mycoprotein not only addresses the growing demand for natural and environmentally friendly ingredients but also significantly boosts the gut health in dogs and is well digested, making it a win-win for pet health and the planet. Pet food manufacturers are facing multiple challenges on different fronts. Pet owners are changing both their own and their pets’ eating habits and preferences. Dog owners are increasingly drawn to pet diets that reflect their own personal values and lifestyle choices, which is leading to a surge in demand for alternative approaches to pet food as concerns about the sustainability of animal protein ingredients grow. For example, pet owners are increasingly looking for pet food that contains natural and easy-to-understand ingredients and fewer cereal grains and high-carbohydrate ingredients, which have been linked to chronic systemic inflammation in dogs and can lead to a range of degenerative disease states, including cancer. Also, locally sourced and meat-free protein sources are becoming more popular for furry and non-furry family members alike. The pet industry as a whole is slowly adapting to the growing consumer needs and ending its opposition to vegan diets as long as the food provides sufficient nutrients for a balanced and healthy diet. As more and more studies show that vegan diets can actually benefit the health of pets, arguments for using animal-derived proteins lack a solid punch. The big shift in eating habits is also showing in the amounts of slaughterhouse sidestreams, which have previously been the go-to source of protein for pet food manufacturers. This is where mycoproteins can step into the spotlight. Mycoproteins can be produced locally, with some companies even utilizing a variety of agriculture, forestry, food, and feed industry sidestreams. This not only repurposes materials that would otherwise go to waste but also minimizes the need for global transportation of raw materials, helping to reduce additional CO2 emissions Mycoproteins such as PEKILO®Pet contain 60% protein, with up to 15% fungal beta-glucan, which is a good quality fiber that can enhance the gut health of pets. Additionally, research has shown that significant increases in gut microbiome diversity occurred in dogs with PEKILO®Pet inclusion in their diet. Even using the smallest inclusion rate (4%), PEKILO®Pet has been shown to increase the health-beneficial microbes in the dog’s gut and decrease harmful bacteria. Previous research shows that the gut plays an important role in animal health. In particular, the microbiome in the gut is known to affect both the absorption and metabolism of nutrients and the dog’s MYCOPROTEIN: A SOLUTION FOR CONSCIOUS DOG OWNERS & PET FOOD MAKERS Heikki Keskitalo Co-founder and Business Development Manager Enifer