Feed & Additive Magazine Issue 47 December 2024

ISSUE FOCUS FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE December 2024 37 lacturonan-I (cRG-I), extracted from upcycled carrot pomace. This innovative precision prebiotic enhances gut health while training faster, smarter, and stronger immune responses. We use the term “precision prebiotic” because Benicaros has the right molecular complexity to selectively modulate beneficial gut bacteria consistently in varying gut microbiota ecosystems. This targeted approach increases the relative abundance of good bacteria and stimulates the production of short-chain fatty acids, fostering a resilient and balanced gut ecosystem. The role of fiber structure in prebiotic efficacy is strongly supported by science. Every individual has a unique gut microbiome with a mix of trillions of microorganisms which is essential for maintaining overall health. However, a prebiotic that delivers benefits for one person may offer limited or variable effects for another due to differences in microbiome composition. Prebiotics with simpler structures can be fermented by a broad range of microorganisms, leading to competitive fermentation. The outcomes of this competition depend heavily on the existing microbial composition and can result in inconsistent health benefits across individuals. Benicaros overcomes this limitation with its uniquely complex structure, which requires cooperative fermentation (cross-feeding) among a specialized consortium of gut bacteria, including strains associated with diverse health benefits. Benicaros selectively supports beneficial microorganisms commonly present in most people, delivering consistent, robust, and positive effects across different gut microbiome ecosystems. The physiological similarities between humans, dogs, and cats—particularly in their digestive and immune systems—suggest that Benicaros could offer comparable benefits across these species. This inspired our decision to conduct further research to explore potential applications of Benicaros in pet food and nutrition. You recently announced that you are collaborating with dsm-firmenich to explore Benicaros for the global pet food market. Could you please give us some information about Benicaros and your new collaboration with dsm-firmenich? It was a natural choice to collaborate with dsm-firmenich - a global leader in animal health and nutrition. Last summer we announced an exclusive global partnership to develop and market products