ISSUE FOCUS 34 FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE December 2024 Dry inoculum Liquid inoculum Salmonella plate counts in Chicken fat innoculated with Liquid Salmonella and held at 57°C Salmonella plate counts in Chicken fat innoculated with dried Salmonella and held at 57°C Kemin treatment 5,000 ppm Kemin treatment 3,000 ppm Untreated Kemin treatment 5,000 ppm Kemin treatment 3,000 ppm Untreated Time (minutes at 57°C) Time (hours at 57°C) 0 12 20 30 45 55 65 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Log CFU/g Log CFU/g 6,0 5,0 4,0 3,0 2,0 1,0 0,0 6,0 5,0 4,0 3,0 2,0 1,0 0,0 of around 5 for untreated fat to 3.9 at 3000ppm of treatment, and finally to 3.7 at 5000ppm. These pH levels suggest that the treatment creates optimal conditions for the organic acid for fighting Salmonella. To confirm the efficacy of the blend, untreated fat and fat with varying levels of treatment have been contaminated by dry and liquid forms of inoculum. We usually consider only the dry forms as they are the ones that may occur the most in the environment. But, in the case of the fat, the liquid form is also relevant as Salmonella may be present in residual waters. Contamination can come from the two forms. The inoculated fats were held at two temperatures: 57°C and 32°C. The first one being a typical fat storage temperature and the second aiming to simulate a low storage temperature or the transport conditions. Samples were analyzed at time 0 and then hourly for 7 hours, except for the study with liquid inoculum held at 57°C in which testing intervals were done every 10 minutes for 65 minutes. The application of organic acid treatment led to a rapid reduction of Salmonella in fats. For the liquid inoculum, Salmonella levels dropped to 0 after 30 minutes in untreated fat. When treated with 3000ppm, Salmonella was reduced in less than 15 minutes, and with 5000ppm, it was reduced immediately at T0. In the case of the dry inoculum, controlling Salmonella was more challenging. In untreated fat, the Salmonella count decreased by 2 LOG after 7 hours. With a 3000ppm treatment, this reduction was achieved in just 3 hours, and the count continued to decrease over the 7-hour duration of the experiment. A similar but faster reaction was observed with a 5000ppm treatment. This suggests that the treatment effectively protects fats from microbial contamination or re-contamination. Overall, the Kemin treatment, which combines organic acid and antioxidants in an emulsion, effectively reduces Salmonella counts in fats, providing a tool to manage pathogen hazards. Applying this Untreated fat 5,3 5,1 4,9 4,7 4,5 4,3 4,1 3,9 3,7 3,5 1500ppm pH Fat with kemin treatment 3000ppm 5000ppm Figure 1. pH of Fat with Different Levels of Antimicrobial Treatment11 Figure 2. Comparison of Liquid vs. Dry Salmonella inoculum With Antimicrobial Treatment11