Feed & Additive Magazine Issue 47 December 2024

ISSUE FOCUS FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE December 2024 31 studies with more than 2 different dietary sources of selenium are performed in cats and dogs, there is sufficient information available from other animal species. The results on Figure 5, adapted from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, clearly show the difference in selenium deposition in swine muscle tissue, when animals receive different selenium sources in their diet8. Although the dietary selenium levels of the supplemented diets were equal, selenium deposition was significantly higher for the organic sources, with the highest observed levels in animals fed the pure L-selenomethionine source (Excential Selenium4000, Orffa Additives). These results highlight why L-selenomethionine is well-known as the natural and safe source of selenium in animal nutrition. CONCLUSION The wide variation of selenium levels in raw materials, diet composition (meat- or plant-based), and the effects of heat during production processes on selenium bioavailability, often necessitate selenium supplementation to ensure a sufficient selenium supply to dogs and cats. The narrow margin between the minimum requirement and the maximal legal limits of selenium, makes pet food formulation challenging. By using L-selenomethionine to create a safe reserve of selenium in the body, you will have a solution to safeguard the future selenium supply in dogs and cats. References available on request via [email protected] About Pauline Rovers-Paap In 2008, Pauline Rovers-Paap graduated from the University of Wageningen, the Netherlands. In her master’s thesis, she already explored the opportunities for Orffa to approach the pet food market with specialty-type feed additives. This meant a successful start to her career at Orffa, where she likes to translate scientific research into practically useful information. With her passion for companion animal nutrition, Pauline Rovers-Paap has been the technical support and driving force to bring new nutritional solutions to the pet food market! Engineering Feed Solutions www.orffa.com - Follow us on Use Excential Selenium 4000 in pet nutrition to ensure high selenium availability for our dear four-legged friends SELENIUM IN PETFOOD All selenium is in the most effective organic form (=L-Selenomethionine) EXCENTIAL SELENIUM 4000 The new generation of organic selenium LEARN MORE