NEWS 16 FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE December 2024 New research by BinSentry in collaboration with one of the leaders in the pork industry, HANOR found the vast majority of animal feed outages are caused by bin slide management errors — not running out of feed on site — a previously invisible problem that increased feed conversion ratios (FCR) by as much as 7 basis points, eroding producer profitability. The year-long study tracked out-of-feed events at 100 HANOR hog barns using BinSentry’s 3D optical sensors and AI-powered software technology. The study found the vast majority of feed outages were due to bin slide management mistakes — where the slide on a full bin wasn’t opened after another bin was emptied. Sites experiencing the most out-of-feed events saw FCRs 7 basis points higher, costing $3.15 per pig, compared to sites with zero outages. That’s about $4,400 per barn of annual opportunity. The results demonstrate — for the first time anywhere — a whole new category of feed outages and a measurable correlation between out-of-feed events, FCR and the bottom line of producers. “This is game-changing information,” says Ben Allen, BinSentry’s CEO. “Before now, the industry was unable to identify a direct correlation between feed outages and FCR — we knew it must exist, but we just couldn’t find it. It turns out we were missing 80 percent of the problem because we didn’t have any reliable way to see what was going on inside the feed bins. Now we do.” Read more>> New study reveals ‘invisible’ cause of feed outages FreezeM Ltd, one of the leading innovators in Black Soldier Fly (BSF) breeding technology, announced its collaboration with Agroloop Hungary Ltd., a prominent EU insect farming company, marking a significant industry paradigm shift. The collaboration introduces the industry’s first fully decoupled insect farming factory, completely outsourcing the breeding process, according to the announcement. Traditionally, BSF protein production has been vertically integrated, with breeding and production performed in-house. However, this approach encounters significant challenges, including production instability, inefficiency, and high costs, which have hindered scalability and business growth. The FreezeM-Agroloop collaboration introduces a cost-effective alternative offering for the insect farming industry. This decoupled model offers a scalable, efficient, and streamlined solution that sets a new standard for both growth and sustainability. FreezeM will supply Agroloop with PauseM® on a weekly basis from its breeding hub in Germany, which operates in collaboration with Hermetia GmbH, a pioneer in the BSF industry with decades of proven experience in large-scale insect breeding. Each PauseM® unit contains pre-counted, life-cycle suspended BSF neonates, that can be stocked and used according to Agroloop’s production plan of BSF based products, the companies state. FreezeM’s breeding-as-a-service solution allows Agroloop to operate seamlessly without an on-site breeding unit, significantly improving operational efficiency, reducing risks and costs, and enabling Agroloop to focus on its core mission: bioconversion of organic side streams into high-quality BSF protein, oil, and fertilizer at scale. Read more>> Agroloop and FreezeM partner for world's first decoupled BSF protein facility