NEWS FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE December 2024 107 There is an increasing need for methods that can accurately measure stress in aquaculture species, without harming the organism. Hyperspectral imaging of biofluorescence is such a method, as it can potentially measure early signs of stress in both fish and invertebrates, according to recent research at Nofima. The fish and invertebrates that exhibit biofluorescence emit lower energy colored light when they are exposed to higher-energy blue light. This strong fluorescence is not visible to the naked eye, but it can be measured with hyperspectral imaging. “Fish may exhibit welfare traits in ways that are invisible to the human eye, and one of our objectives is to explore new technologies that can reveal this to us in real-time,” says Evan Durland, Scientist in Aquaculture Genetics and Project Leader at Nofima. Welfare indicators are important because animals that experience chronic stress are vulnerable to disease, experience less growth, and ultimately have a higher mortality rate. The current methods used to identify early signs of stress in marine species have certain limitations. Technology scientists Samuel Ortega and visiting PhD student Thomas Juhasz investigated the applications of using hyperspectral imaging of biofluorescence as a welfare indicator for marine species, particularly lumpfish, red king crab, and green sea urchins. Read more>> Nofima unveils research on measuring stress in aquaculture species CONTACT US : For more information about this event � �: +31 33 246 4404 � [email protected] ANIMAL FEED EVENTS UNDER ONE ROOF! 4 WHITE PAVILION, EXPO CENTER NORTE SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL � 16-18 SEPTEMBER 2025 THE PREMIER EVENT FOR FEED AND ADDITIVES PROFESSIONALS SHOWCASE YOUR INNOVATIONS AT THE PREMIER EVENT FOR FEED AND ADDITIVES PROFESSIONALS. CONNECT WITH GLOBAL INDUSTRY LEADERS AND EXPAND YOUR NETWORK. LEARN ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY, SAFETY STANDARDS, REDUCING CARBON FOOTPRINTS AND EUROPEAN UNION DEFORESTATION REGULATION. � � � EXHIBIT NOW SCAN AND RECIEVE A STAND PROPOSAL FROM OUR SALESTEAM. GOOD TO KNOW : • Early bird rate until March 31st, 2025 • Stand allocation is done on a first come first serve basis Scan me!