Feed & Additive Magazine Issue 46 November 2024

NEWS FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE November 2024 93 With the receipt of the Brazilian feed ingredient approval, Rumin8 can progress efficacy and safety studies in commercial animals to generate the required data for full approval in Brazil. Brazil reportedly has the largest cattle herd in the world, at almost 235 million head. By comparison, the US cattle herd is ~95 million head and the Australian herd is ~30 million head. “Brazil is a key market for Rumin8 for two key reasons,” continues Messina. “Its large beef cattle population means that we can generate significant sales when we commercialize, and we can make a significant impact on reducing methane emissions – which is a key driver for Rumin8 and our shareholders.” Read more>> Germany-based Phytobiotics Futterzusatzstoffe GmbH successfully hosted its 2024 International IQ Seminar from September 23 to 26, bringing together global experts to explore the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in animal nutrition. The event featured a blend of scientific presentations and a tour of Phytobiotics' state-of-the-art production facilities in Neuendettelsau, Germany, with the scenic alpine town of Kufstein, Austria, providing the setting for the scientific seminar. This year's seminar centered around the theme "BrAIght Future," inviting participants to reconsider the innovation process in the rapidly evolving animal production industry through the lens of AI. Aidan Connolly, CEO of Agritech Capital, delivered the keynote address, “The Coming A.I. Revolution and How It Will Transform Poultry Production through Innovation & Technology”. Connolly’s talk highlighted how AI is poised to revolutionize poultry production, driving efficiency, sustainability, and profitability. The first day of the scientific program, held in the Kongress-Saal at Hotel Andreas Hofer in Kufstein, opened with welcoming remarks from Phytobiotics’ CEO Hermann Roth, Managing Director Kurt Wegleitner, and Global Director of Product Development and Innovation, Francesca Blasco. They provided an update on Phytobiotics’ latest products and innovations, underscoring the company’s ongoing commitment to advancing the field of animal nutrition. Read more>> Phytobiotics’ seminar focuses on AI and innovation in animal nutrition