August 2024 Year: 4 Issue: 43 Feed Additive INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE FOR ANIMAL FEED & ADDITIVES INDUSTRY Nicolas Tanrattana, Techna Unlocking protein digestibility to reduce feed costs in aquaculture Henk Flipsen, Nevedi Food safety, environmental impact and animal welfare Caitlyn de Vos, Vitam International Protecting the rumen in feedlot systems Aquaculture Feed Prebiotics and Global Market Status
In this month's issue of Feed & Additive Magazine, we focus on a rapidly growing sector that's becoming increasingly important for our world - aquaculture. While the world population increases, aquaculture plays a crucial role in meeting our protein needs and reducing the negative impacts of wild fishing and overfishing on the ecosystem. In addition, aquaculture contributes significantly to local and national economies. It creates employment opportunities, supports coastal communities and stimulates economic growth. From shrimp farms in Southeast Asia to salmon cages in Norway, aquaculture draws attention as a thriving industry. The fast growth and success of this sector is driving the rapid development of the fish segment in the feed industry. The feed industry is focusing heavily on sustainability in aquafeeds. Especially fish meal and fish oil are important research topics in this field. Historically, aquafeeds were often based on fishmeal and fish oil from wild-caught fish. But the industry is shifting towards more sustainable alternatives. Researchers are developing feeds made from plant-based proteins, algae and insect larvae. These options are crucial to reduce pressure on marine resources and lower the ecological footprint of aquaculture. Another trend in aquafeeds is functional feeds. These specialty feeds are highlighted by their ability to improve fish health, immunity and stress tolerance. Ingredients such as probiotics, prebiotics and immunostimulants are being added to aquafeeds to optimize performance and reduce the risk of disease. Precision nutrition is gaining importance in fish nutrition as it is in other animals' nutrition. Today, customized nutrition diets based on species, life stage and environmental conditions are being adopted more intensively. This approach is having a notable impact on optimizing growth, minimizing waste and making efficient use of resources. You can find the latest developments in aquaculture nutrition, new approaches to feeding and much more in this month's issue. Enjoy your reading! Publisher Muhammed Akatay [email protected] Responsible Manager Özlem Akatay [email protected] Editor-in-Chief Derya Yıldız [email protected] Editors Bahadır Büyükkılıç Burak Varol Zeynep Demirkaya [email protected] Communication & Marketing Lisa Atakul [email protected] Design Alper Kandemir [email protected] Web Design Caner Cem Pulat [email protected] Circulation and Data Responsible Amine Şengün [email protected] Ataturk St. Metropol Istanbul Ste. Block C1, No:376 Atasehir, Istanbul/TURKEY Phone: +90 850 220 5064 E-Mail: [email protected] Web: Publication Type: Periodic (Monthly) EDITOR The Pillar for a Sustainable Future: Aquaculture Nutrition Derya YILDIZ © Three Plus Media | All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the written permission of the publisher. *DISCLAIMER: All views and ideas expressed in articles published in the magazine reflect the point of views of the author(s), not that of the Editor-in-Chief, Editors, Editorial Board or Publisher of Feed & Additive Magazine. The Editor-in-Chief, Editors, Editorial Board and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability in such cases. The publisher does not give any warranty and representation to the accuracy or completeness of the contents and data published in the magazine. All responsibility of the contents, articles and information published in the magazine belongs to the authors. The publisher and the authors cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting from the use of the whole or part of the content of the magazine. feedandadditive
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CON T E N T S 70 PROTECTING THE RUMEN IN FEEDLOT SYSTEMS Caitlyn de Vos, Vitam International 80 INNOVATIONS IN PELLETING TECHNOLOGY FOR IMPROVED QUALITY CONTROL IN ANIMAL FEED Paul Alderliefste, CPM Industrial Solutions 74 SAFER FEED FOR SAFER FOOD Pedro Caramona, Selko Feed Additives 77 LAURIC ACID GLYCERIDES BOOST IMMUNE RESPONSE TO IB VIRUS Tim Goossens & Olga Lemâle & Amine Mellouk & Jessika Consuegra, Adisseo ARTICLES RaboResearch unveils positive trends in aquaculture industry 23 Swedish consortium PBG acquires Thrive Pet Food 90 Cell cultures and microorganisms to be discussed at Feed & Food Show 2024 10 Bühler and NRGene inaugurate insect center 16 dsm-firmenich and NutriLeads explore prebiotic fiber potential for pet foods 12 Alltech supports women in meat industry 88 Phileo by Lesaffre hosts event on companion animal health 95 NEWS EUROPE'S CONTRADICTING REALITY: FOOD SAFETY, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND ANIMAL WELFARE Henk Flipsen, Nevedi INTERVIEW MARKET REPORT FEED PREBIOTICS AND GLOBAL MARKET STATUS 84 62
6 FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 The feed sector is a blind spot for most consumers, and its critical contribution to ensuring food safety and security is not well understood. Feed is indirect food for humans and as such should be nutrient-dense, well-regulated to prevent fraud and contamination, accessible and responsibly sourced and produced. Manufacturing feed is not only important to support food production but is also a way to absorb residual biomass. In the face of a growing population, climate change and increased volatility due to geopolitics and weather conditions, the sourcing and production of feed materials is becoming more and more strategic. In the aquaculture sector, feed represents 80 to 90% of both carbon footprint and costs. Innovation is a constant both in terms of feed formulation and at the fish farm. VOLUMES: THE KEY CHALLENGE In the 1990, aquafeeds were made of a few ingredients such as fishmeal, wheat and a few additives. With the impressive growth of aquaculture production in the early 2000s, diversifying the ingredient basket became a necessity to ensure that the supply of feed ingredients would match the demand. With fishmeal and its co-product, fish oil, used as a benchmark ingredient, research for novel ingredients started, and additional volumes of ingredients used in other sectors were sourced, like soybean meal. We are talking of 40 million of additional feed ingredients needed by 2050 to further develop aquaculture production! INTAKE AND PALATABILITY ARE KEY IN FISH FARMING In this context, fishmeal and fish oil have become strategic ingredients instead of remaining a commodity. It is now well established that they should be used at key stages of the fish’s growth, in fry and juvenile stages in mainly carnivorous species. Indeed, their nutritional profile makes it the gold standard for intake and palatability, which remain the first and most important hurdles in fish farming. After the first weeks, animals can compensate: longer-term nutritional drivers (e.g. hunger) begin to override the palatability aspect. Considering both volume and cost-effective supply, plant-based proteins like soybean, corn, and wheat protein sources already make up the majority of aquaculture feeds around the world. In 2020 aquafeed production was at 52 million tonnes, of which only about 6 million tonnes were fishmeal and fish oil. All these sources complement each other and more can be done to explore how they work together. For example, plant-based proteins do bring some antinutritional factors, and their palatability is neutral at best. These are weaknesses that need to be offset with fishmeal and fish oil to add important nutritional values and palatability elements. LEARNING FROM THE PAST TO IMPROVE CARBON FOOTPRINT AND FISH HEALTH Risks should be assessed, and lessons learnt from the past: first, the increased use of soybean and soy protein concentrate in the 2000s has led to a deterioration of the aquafeed’s carbon profile. The FEED AND FEED INGREDIENTS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE AQUACULTURE INDUSTRY Petter Martin Johannessen Director General IFFO – The Marine Ingredients Organisation LEAD ARTICLE
FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 7 fishmeal industry is recognised to be very low carbon intensive because it mostly relies on purse seine gears (versus trawls) and because small pelagic fish are close to the shore and do not involve far away fuel intensive fishing expeditions. In contrast, the use of soy has been associated with risks of land use change (deforestation). Second, adequate nutrition supports health, growth, and welfare. It has been found that reduced content of Omega-3 fatty acids and zinc in aquafeeds can affect the fish’s wound healing just as deficiency or sub-optimal supply of certain nutrients (zinc, histidine) can affect the eye health of the fish. New knowledge on the role of components in fishmeal and fish oil is being discovered, which needs consideration in feed formulations and dietary recommendations (Source: NOFIMA). MAXIMISING AVAILABLE RESOURCES With resource scarcity becoming evident, circularity is accelerating. In the fishmeal industry, which has always generated fish oil as a valuable co-product, the growth in the utilisation of fish by-products allows to use what was previous waste and develop it instead as another valuable raw material. In 2022, 38% of fishmeal and fish oil combined, produced globally, came from fish by-products. The new aspect to this age-old practice is that aquaculture is now a major player in the provision of marine ingredient raw materials, with by-products from farmed salmon, tilapia and pangasius sectors being significant contributors. There is scope for increased fishmeal and fish oil production from seafood by-products. Today, aquafeed producers make a great use of circular materials and take bold commitments to go even further. This has positive repercussions on aquafeeds’ carbon footprint, as the allocation of the carbon footprint of the catch is mostly attributed to the fish portion used for direct human consumption. FOLLOWING THE FISH: YOU BETTER MANAGE WHAT YOU THOROUGHLY TRACK Better measuring (following objective and standardised guidelines) leads to better resource management. According to the GFLI database (Global Feed Life Cycle Assessment Institute, 2023), soybean meal and soy protein concentrate have a carbon footprint that is more than twice and three times that of fishmeal respectively. As for insect meal, according to a recent LCA paper, it took 32.24kg of feed to produce 6.26kg of outputs of which only 1kg was insect meal. The reported carbon footprint was 5300kg CO2-equivalent per tonne of insect meal, vs Peruvian anchoveta meal at 624kg CO2-equivalent per tonne. The carbon footprint of fishmeal keeps improving, according to a case study focusing on two Peruvian plants between 2019 and 2021. The author, Ian Vázquez-Rowe, researcher at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, suggests that the carbon emissions associated with fishmeal production have fallen by about 22% since 2019, mainly because of changes made in fishmeal processing and shipping (less dependency on marine diesel fuels). BUILDING CREDIBILITY AND TRUST The upcoming EU Greenwashing Directive is expected to bring more robustness and homogeneity to claims being made on carbon footprinting. Voluntary certification programmes are one side of a multi-faceted challenge. Every stakeholder needs to demonstrate its interest in maintaining a high standard. Traceability, in particular, requires collaboration and interoperability: this is costly, but the investment is well worth it. Long-term commitment is needed and should influence how buyers and their suppliers manage their relationship to navigate global supply chains, for the benefit of end consumers. The aquaculture sector is at a crossroad: its responsibility in producing a low carbon, nutritious and healthy food is finally being recognised. Feed producers have great opportunities ahead to support the sector’s expansion. They are facing public scrutiny regarding their sourcing policies and political pressure around feed / food sovereignty. Keeping a science-based approach and demonstrating flexibility are the best way to navigate these challenges.
NEWS 8 FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 ADM, one of the global leaders in innovative solutions from nature, is offering fully verified, segregated, traceable soybean meal and oil to meet the needs of European customers as EU deforestation regulations come into effect on December 30. “Thanks to the critical participation of our farmer network as well as our dedicated U.S. elevators and segregated transportation and logistics capabilities, we are in a position to supply all of our existing customers in Europe with soybean meal and oil once new rules go into effect at the end of this year,” said Sebastian Kuck, General Manager, EMEA Soy Crush. In March, ADM launched a fully traceable North American soybean program, re:source™, which enrolled almost 5,300 farmers encompassing more than 4.6 million acres across 15 states for the 2024 season. The program utilises cutting-edge technology – such as the FBN® Gradable digital platform – as well as ADM’s origination and transportation capabilities to verify, trace and segregate participating beans from farms to their final destination. The company will utilize the sustainability measurement platform TRACT, an industry-led joint venture, to provide enhanced traceability solutions to its customers across the supply chain. Beyond North America, ADM continues to work across other key regions to pilot soybean crushing and exporting of both beans and meal to the EU in fully traceable and segregated supply chains. Read more>> ADM offers traceable soybean meal to European customers Cargill, one of the global food and agriculture leaders, issued a $1 million grant to Colorado State University to help fund the university’s AgNext research program. The contribution will support cutting-edge research aimed at promoting sustainable animal agriculture practices and reducing the environmental impact of the beef industry, according to Cargill. “Working closely with industry partners like Cargill, researchers and producers, AgNext is helping develop innovative, scalable solutions that move the livestock industry toward a more sustainable future,” said Dr. Kim Stackhouse-Lawson, director of AgNext and CoPl. “An important part of that is developing robust baseline greenhouse gas emissions from cattle.” Cargill claims its $1 million grant will address a critical agricultural challenge: enteric methane emissions from feedlot cattle, which are naturally produced during the digestive process. Current USDA guidelines rely on assumptions about the effects of different feeding strategies on methane emissions, such as grain processing combined with other feed additives. However, empirical data supporting these assumptions is lacking. AgNext will bridge the gap by conducting several groundbreaking experiments at Colorado State University’s Climate Smart Research Facility over the next two years. The research will help determine the impact of different ingredients and additives in cattle diets on enteric methane emissions in beef steers fed typical finishing rations. It will also explore the additive effect of these ingredients and additives to determine if additional methane reduction is possible. Read more>> Cargill invests $1 million for methane reduction research
NEWS FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 9 Lallemand Animal Nutrition shared results of a new study at the Asian Pacific Aquaculture (APA) conference in Indonesia earlier this month. According to the study, A 42-day trial in Vietnam using whiteleg shrimp juveniles confirmed the efficacy of microbiota modulation strategies and their potential to improve shrimp growth performance and robustness during growth stage. The research titled “In-feed Probiotics and Water Bioremediation Improved Growth, Biomass, Survival, Water Chemistry and Microbiota in Whiteleg Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei in Vietnam,” presented by Ana Rodiles, research scientist at Lallemand Animal Nutrition focuses on the shrimp grow-out period and reveals that the use of specific bioremediation bacteria in water and in-feed probiotics represent an efficient solution in the context of reducing the use of antibiotics to support shrimp performance and shrimp resilience to an abiotic stress. A previous study led by Rodiles demonstrated the benefits of a combined approach using a selected mix of beneficial microbial solutions in feed and bioremediation bacteria in rearing water during shrimp hatchery and nursery phases, according to Lallemand Internal Research (2020). The 42-day grow-out trial was performed in Vietnam using whiteleg shrimp juveniles reared at high density in outdoor tanks with low water exchange under commercial-like conditions. Four treatments were applied: a control group, an antibiotic group (ABX), a Lallemand group (LAL - LALPACK Probio and LALPACK Immune supplementation in the feed and LALSEA Biorem in pond water), and a combined antibiotic + Lallemand group (LAL+ABX). Read more>> New Study: Right microbial solutions can boost shrimp performance Focused on producing sustainable cultivated meat for pets, Meatly received regulatory clearance to sell cultivated meat for pet food in the UK, making it the first in the world to get authorization for cultivated pet food. A huge leap forward for the cultivated meat industry, gaining regulatory approval also makes Meatly the first-ever cultivated meat company approved for sale in any European country, according to the announcement. Commenting on the announcement, Owen Ensor, Meatly CEO said: “Today marks a significant milestone for the European cultivated meat industry. I’m incredibly proud that Meatly is the first company in Europe to get the green light to sell cultivated meat. We are proving that there is a safe and low-capital way to rapidly bring cultivated meat to market.” “We’re delighted to have worked proactively alongside the UK’s regulators to showcase that Meatly chicken is safe and healthy for pets. Pet parents are crying out for a better way to feed their cats and dogs meat – we’re so excited to meet this demand. We can now continue our mission to give consumers an easy choice – ensuring we can feed our beloved pets the real meat they need and crave, in a way that is kinder to our planet and other animals,” continued Ensor. Read more>> UK approves cultivated meat for pet food
NEWS 10 FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 Adisseo, one of the global leaders in animal nutrition and health, announced the launch of the third edition of its International Research Grant, continuing its commitment to advancing collaborative research in the feed industry. Building on the success of the previous edition, this grant will allocate €1 million over the next three years to fund research projects addressing key challenges in animal nutrition. Through this initiative, Adisseo aims to foster international collaboration among leading laboratories and drive innovation in the industry. The selection process for this Adisseo Research Grant will be overseen by a prestigious Scientific Committee, with academic professors: Prof. Richard Ducatelle, Veterinary Pathology, Ghent University (Belgium), Prof. Yuming Guo, Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing (China), Prof. Mike Kidd, Center of Excellence for Poultry Science, University of Arkansas (USA), Prof Defa LI, Professor, China Agricultural University, Beijing (China), Prof. Bruno Silva, Professor, UFMG Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil), Dr. Japp Van Milgen, Senior Scientist, INRAe (France); and feed industry representatives: Dr. Jaume Coma, Corporate Director for Vall Companys (Spain), Dr. Carlos Kippert, Technical Advisor in Swine for BRF (Brazil), Dr. Marco Penz, Key Account Dir for Cargill (Brazil), Dr. Ferry Poernama, R&D Director for JAPFA (Indonesia), Dr. Pairat Srichana, R&D Director for CP (Thailand), Dr. Tom Weber, Technical Manager for Kent Nutrition Group (USA). Read more>> Adisseo to allocate €1 million to support research in feed industry Just how big of a role cell cultures and microorganisms might play in the agricultural system of the future is one of the core topics at this year's 'Inhouse Farming – Feed & Food Show'. The B2B platform organised by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) will be taking place from 12 to 15 November 2024 in Hanover, Germany as part of both EuroTier, the world's leading trade fair for livestock farming, and EnergyDecentral, the leading platform for decentralised energy supply. International players will be presenting their technologies and business models surrounding the production of biological components in bioreactors. Meat and milk without cows and housing, fish without oceans, chocolate and coffee without endless plantations – this is the idea behind cellular farming. Food, but also non-food raw materials such as leather or silk, are no longer produced from animals and plants. Instead, they are extracted in-vitro from cells or produced in precision fermentation by microorganisms that multiply under optimum conditions in a bioreactor. They have the potential to help solve the ethical and ecological challenges facing conventional farming. Just how enormous the application areas of this still discipline, which is still in its infancy, are will be the subject of presentations and live discussions at the 'Inhouse Farming – Feed & Food Show' this coming November in Hanover. Read more>> Cell cultures and microorganisms to be discussed at Feed & Food Show 2024
NEWS FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 11 Adisseo, Your Partner in Problem-Solving, By focusing on enhancing animal resilience and offering comprehensive and tailored solutions to combat stressors, Adisseo aims to be your trusted partner in addressing the challenges of modern animal farming. Resilience: Thriving through Challenges SECURE PERFORMANCE Ensure feed safety and quality Cope with the environmental challenges Optimize gut’s functions
NEWS 12 FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 NutriLeads BV announced a strategic collaboration with dsm-firmenich to evaluate potential applications of its award-winning precision prebiotic, Benicaros®, to enhance the gut and immune health of pets. Pending the promising results from ongoing microbiome studies in dogs and cats, the companies plan to enter into an exclusive global partnership to develop and market products containing a pet food version of Benicaros. The companies believe that clinically proven Benicaros also has strong potential to benefit the health and vitality of pets. NutriLeads has published multiple peer-reviewed studies demonstrating that Benicaros trains the human immune system to respond faster, smarter and stronger while selectively increasing beneficial gut microorganisms that are crucial to resilient gut and overall health. “We see tremendous potential for Benicaros to optimize pet health and longevity by enhancing digestive and immune health,” said Joana Carneiro-Wakefield, Ph.D., NutriLeads Chief Executive Officer. “Based on our previous research, we believe that Benicaros can be a ‘game-changing’ ingredient for pet parents as well as pet food and nutrition manufacturers.” “The global pet food market is expected to reach $175 billion in annual sales by 2027,” explained Pierre-Alain Ceralli, Senior Vice President Petfood Business with dsm-firmenich. “A key growth driver is an increased demand for healthier ingredients that are science-based, human-grade, vegetarian and sustainable. Benicaros aligns perfectly with this industry trend and complements perfectly dsm-firmenich’s science-based and consumer-focused microbiome offering for the petfood industry.” Read more>> IFFO – The Marine Ingredients Organisation announced its Annual Conference, to be held from 21-23 October, 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal. Open to IFFO and non-IFFO members interested in the marine ingredients value chain, the conference will discuss feed ingredient strategies for the future, supply and demand for marine ingredients and will explore the role which marine ingredients play in human health. Registrations will end on the 4th of October. The programme features presentations and panel discussions involving Gideon Rachman (Financial Times), Einar Wathne (Industry Expert), Jim Cannon (Sustainable Fisheries Partnership) and Luisa Valente (University of Porto). There will be discussions on specialist topics looking at salmon farming with Carl-Emil Kjølås Johannessen (Pareto Securities) and Antony Prabhu Philip (Nofima) and human health requirements with Philip Calder (University of Southampton) and Aldo Bernasconi (GOED). The Conference’s Market Forum will provide a deep dive into Europe, West Africa, India, Chile and Peru’s supply while looking at feed ingredients industry beyond fishmeal and fish oil (soy, algae, krill). Read more>> dsm-firmenich and NutriLeads explore prebiotic fiber potential for pet foods IFFO’s Annual Conference to be in Lisbon on October 21-23
NEWS FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 13 Superior & Sustainable Animal Feed Solutions We build equipment that just runs. CPM is the world’s leading provider of innovative and automated solutions for new equipment and aftermarket. American Industrial Partners (AIP), a global industrials investor, acquired an ownership position in Aker BioMarine's Feed Ingredients segment. Feed Ingredients unit will be held by a newly established company named Aker BioMarine Antarctic Holding II AS, which will be owned 60% by AIP and 40% by Aker ASA (via its wholly owned subsidiary Aker Capital AS). Krill is one of the largest and most robust biomasses in the ocean and is increasingly recognized as a highly valuable ingredient in aquaculture feed due to its nutrient dense properties, which are hard to replicate synthetically. Aker BioMarine Feed Ingredients's fishing operations are comprised of three purpose-built Antarctic harvesting and processing vessels, one support vessel, and its shoreside operations are in Montevideo, Uruguay. The company is headquartered in Oslo, Norway and employs ~450 employees and crewmembers. "We are eager to join forces with AIP, leveraging their maritime expertise and growing aquaculture presence to accelerate our growth trajectory. This partnership positions us to more rapidly advance the aquaculture, animal health and sustainability benefits of krill globally," said Webjørn Barstad, CEO of Feed Ingredients. "Krill is a powerfully evolving niche market with compelling and sustainable growth opportunities given both its nutrient dense properties and the still underutilized nature of the vast but remote Antarctic fishery," commented Toni Rinnevaara, Partner and Chief Investment Officer of AIP. Read more>> Aker BioMarine sells Feed Ingredients business to AIP
NEWS 14 FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 Elanco Animal Health Incorporated completed the divestiture of its aqua business to Merck Animal Health for approximately $1.3 billion in cash, with approximately $1.05-$1.1 billion in net proceeds available for debt paydown in the third quarter of 2024. "Finalizing this transaction marks a significant milestone in concentrating our focus on high-value opportunities in pet health and livestock sustainability while creating balance sheet flexibility. Elanco's positive trajectory, demonstrated by three consecutive quarters of underlying revenue growth, pipeline progress, and our ability to reduce debt, strengthens our value proposition," said Todd Young, Executive Vice President and CFO of Elanco Animal Health. "The proceeds from this transaction, combined with increased free cash flow from our operations, accelerates our deleveraging and positions us to deliver substantial value over time." Elanco explains that the successful completion of this transaction enables it to pay down term loan debt on a pro-rata basis per the terms of the company's credit agreements. Combined with the expected $280 million to $320 million of cash generated from the base business, the company expects to pay down approximately $1.3 to $1.4 billion of debt in 2024, ending the year with net debt to adjusted EBITDA in the mid-4x range. Net debt to adjusted EBITDA is projected to improve further in 2025 to the high-3x to low-4x range. The company will provide additional information about the transaction’s impact on its 2024 financial outlook during the second quarter earnings call in August. Read more>> Elanco completes sale of aqua business for $1.3 billion The Marine Ingredients Organisation - IFFO, an international trade organisation that represents the marine ingredients industry, such as fishmeal, fish oil and other related industries, stated a positive trend in 2024 fish meal and fish oil production thanks to a successful first anchovy season in North Central Peru in its latest market report. In this report, IFFO's analyses of cumulative fishmeal and fish oil outputs through May 2024 are provided. The first 2024 anchovy season in Peru’s north-central fishing zone ended in June with more than 98% of the quota fulfilled. The marine ingredients industry sees this as a very positive sign for the fishing and feed sectors, considering that Peru accounts for around one-fifth of global fishmeal supply in an average year. A second fishing season will take place later in the year, based on independently set quotas taking into account the size of the biomass. In Peru's southern fishing zone, the season ended with slightly more than 10% of the first season’s quota landed. A new quota has been announced for the second season, beginning on 1st July 2024. In the first five months of 2024, cumulative fishmeal production in the countries analysed in IFFO’s report (Peru, Chile, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, North Atlantic, USA, Spain and African countries) increased by 40% compared to the same period in 2023. The significant year-on-year increase of the Peruvian supply was the main factor behind such a positive trend, according to the report. Read more>> IFFO points out positive trend in fish meal and fish oil production
NEWS FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 15 ANDRITZ FEED & BIOFUEL FEED & BIOFUEL COMPLETE PLANT SOLUTIONS FROM START TO FINISH, WE ENSURE YOUR PROJECTS DEVELOP SEAMLESSLY UNDERSTANDING YOU. STANDING BY YOU. NEVER STANDING STILL. We provide complete plant solutions for the animal feed industry to your exact specifications and with industry-leading cost efficiency by leveraging our extensive processing expertise and experience. By harnessing the power of automation and digitalization, we ensure continuous innovation to keep you at the forefront. AND with the industry’s most trusted services, we are always there for you. For more information, visit our website.
NEWS 16 FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 Bühler, the Swiss technology group, and NRGene Canada, a subsidiary of NRGene Technologies Ltd., an Israeli genomics company, celebrated the successful launch of the North American Insect Center (NAIC). The inauguration event, held at NRGene Canada's facility in Saskatoon, marks a significant leap forward in the production and optimization of insect protein in North America, the companies stated. The NAIC is designed as a research and demonstration center where customers can evaluate the performance of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) varieties tailored to their specific by-product streams. The cutting-edge facility is also dedicated to supporting investors in evaluating the economic viability of larger plants before committing to full-scale investment. According to the companies’ explanation, this innovative approach empowers businesses to make informed decisions, ensuring optimal efficiency and sustainability in protein production. The launch event featured a tour of the cutting-edge lab, showcasing the advanced capabilities of the NAIC. Attendees included Dr. Gil Ronen, CEO and Co-Founder of NRGene, Andreas Baumann, Head of Market Segment Insect Technology at Bühler, and Jeremy Harrison, Minister of Trade and Export Development. "Saskatchewan is continuing to attract innovative companies who are choosing to invest and grow their business in our province," Jeremy Harrison notes. "Our reputation as global leaders in agricultural and biotechnology is attracting record capital investment into the province. We're very proud to see the North American Insect Center join a growing list of cutting-edge institutions here in the province. This facility will create new skilled jobs and further position Saskatchewan as a center for alternative protein production research and a leader in global food security." Read more>> Bühler and NRGene inaugurate insect center CULT Food Science Corp announced that its subsidiary, Further Foods Inc, expects to complete the design of the feeding trials necessary for regulatory approval of dog food products containing cell-cultivated chicken later this month. Cell-cultivated chicken is a new ingredient without prior approval for animal consumption and Further Foods is, in partnership with Dr. Sarah Dodd, designing a target animal safety (TAS) study to establish the inclusion of cell-cultivated chicken in future Noochies! formulations is safe and effective. Dr. Sarah Dodd commented, "I'm thrilled to be collaborating with Further Foods and Noochies! on this very exciting feeding trial. Cultivated meat is an area I am personally exceptionally excited about, for both its nutritional potential for animals and for its positive impact on the environment. I look forward to navigating the regulatory pathways and feeding trial requirements with the FDA and advancing this first of its kind trial forward." Read more>> Further Foods designs FDA trial for cultivated meat in pet food
NEWS FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 17 Boost shrimp growth by 13% (compared to no selenium) Improve antioxidant status Strengthen immune response Reduce disease mortality Engineering Feed Solutions - Follow us on Struggling with low shrimp growth and pathogenic challenges? Boost shrimp growth with 13% and improve survival after a pathogenic challenge with Excential Selenium 4000 Excential Selenium 4000, with all selenium as L-selenomethionine, is scientifically proven to: DOWNLOAD INFOSHEET Dutch animal nutrition company De Heus officially launched the new marine R&D facility at the Vinh Long Aqua Research and Development (R&D) Center in Vietnam in July 2024. To deliver top nutritional concepts, efficient and sustainable formulations, and remain a leader in aqua nutrition innovation, De Heus explained that it continues to invest in its R&D capabilities. At its 5.5-hectare R&D aqua farm in Vinh Long Province, Vietnam, De Heus has constructed two new systems to develop nutritional innovations for crustaceans and marine species like Asian sea bass. At the inauguration of the new lines, Koen de Heus, CEO of De Heus Animal Nutrition, acknowledged the efforts of the Vietnamese and global R&D teams involved in the design, construction, and testing. "This new facility will enhance our global expertise in aqua farming, benefiting our shrimp and marine fish customers. The aqua R&D team in Vietnam supports our business worldwide with their expertise and trials," Koen de Heus expressed. Johan van den Ban, General Director at De Heus Vietnam, emphasized: "At De Heus we are ready to further develop the Vietnamese shrimp industry. This investment again shows our commitment towards our customers in Vietnam and beyond”. Read more>> De Heus opens new marine R&D facility in Vietnam
NEWS 18 FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 Selko, the feed additives brand of Nutreco, uncovered insights that confirm the anti-fungal mode of action in a synergistic blend used in grain and animal feed preservation. In experiments conducted at Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, in the Netherlands, scientists isolated Aspergillus chevalieri from moulded feed originating from different continents and countries. Researchers used Aspergillus chevalieri, a xerophilic mould which grows under low water activity (aW), as a model to evaluate how the synergy between organic acids (Fylax with Actiprop®) affected the mould’s fungal survival structures, including the ability of mould spores (conidia) to germinate and grow. Pedro Caramona, Category Lead Feed Safety & Quality at Selko, remarked on the significance of the research for animal feed production. “We have continuously strived to improve the precision of our models to be able to confirm the mode of action of ActiProp in actual field conditions,” he said. “By further developing a statistically valid model, we can detail the mould’s growth kinetics, cell metabolism and development; providing a deeper understanding of the mode of action within the spore confirmed by electron microscopy imagery.” A scientific paper expanding on this work will be published in the International Journal of Food Microbiology later this year. Read more>> New research finds anti-fungal blend decreases mould spores Pets Choice Ltd, one of the leading pet food manufacturers based in the UK, agreed to purchase Power Pet Brands Ltd’s premium Vegan dog brand, HOWND®, which encompasses food, treats, and pet care products. Pets Choice will be taking over responsibility of Sales from 5th August 2024. HOWND®, the multi award-winning brand, has been dedicated since its inception to enhancing the health and wellbeing of dogs without causing harm to other animals. HOWND, which offers a comprehensive range of plant-based wet and dry dog food, wellness treats, and cruelty-free certified pet care products, will now join Pets Choice’s family of pet brands offerings, including Webbox, Bob Martin, Felight, TastyBone and Vet’s Kitchen. Pets Choice supplies partners in the grocery, independent, and pet speciality sectors and ecommerce with high-quality products in a variety of formats. It plans to use this latest acquisition to grow its share of the premium and advanced nutrition sectors. “This is another fantastic acquisition for Pets Choice as we continue our drive into product premiumisation,” says CEO of Pets Choice, Tony Raeburn. “HOWND will give our company an entrance into the fast-growing plant-based sector and strengthens our commitment to sustainability and animal welfare. We look forward to leveraging HOWND’s established market presence and extensive and loyal customer base, further solidifying our position as a leader in the pet care industry." Read more>> HOWND joins Pets Choice’s family of pet brands
NEWS FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 19 Nutreco completed construction on the world’s first dedicated food-grade powder production facility for cell feed in Boxmeer, the Netherlands, and brought it up to commercial operation. According to Nutreco’s statement, this facility produces the first cell feed product developed specifically for the cell-cultured meat industry. This development is one way in which Nutreco is working towards its purpose of Feeding the Future, the company pointed out. To feed the global population in 2050, we need to produce more food than we do today – a momentous challenge for the industry and the world. “The cell-cultured protein industry is in its development stage and one of its biggest challenges is how to feed protein cells cost-efficiently, sustainably and at scale. We see potential for this industry to be one solution to the challenge of feeding the rising global population and are committed to helping the industry grow by becoming a supplier and a solutions provider,” expressed Susanne Wiegel, Head of Alternative Protein Program. “We must continue to drive productivity and reduce the environmental footprints in the animal protein value chain, and produce protein from more and more varied sources – animals as well as alternative sources of protein such as plant-based protein, meat or seafood developed from animal cells and protein produced through fermentation. Our investments and innovation in the cell-cultured protein industry are just one way we’re tackling the challenge,” pointed out David Blakemore, CEO of Nutreco. Read more>> Nutreco opens world’s first cell feed production facility Orego-Stim® Plus, an oregano essential oil-based product developed by Anpario plc, was approved for use in organic livestock production by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL Germany and Demeter International. Satisfying the rigorous certification process to ensure compliance with EU regulation, the complementary feedstuff is now available for organic producers to help support optimal production, Anpario plc unveiled. Organic Farmers & Growers and FiBL in Switzerland and Austria already approve other products in the Orego-Stim range, for use in all livestock species. Corporate Development Director, Sarah Osborne comments: “Organic production across Europe continues to grow at 5-8% per year and is fast approaching half a million organic producers. Demand for natural products like Oreo-Stim to help support optimal production within organic systems continues to rise, so we are delighted to confirm this new certification for our flagship product which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year”. “The Orego-Stim range is renowned for its high quality and unrivalled consistency and has been demonstrated around the world to support animal health and production, by promoting optimum gut health in food producing animals. With so many challenges on production and so few feed additives approved for use in organic systems, Orego-Stim Plus is a product that can really add value to organic farming operations,” adds Osborne. Read more>> Anpario receives EU organic approval for its oregano essential oil-based product
NEWS 20 FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 Researchers at Novus shared their insights on new ways to support broiler hatchability, gut health, and sustainability at the Poultry Science Association (PSA) Annual Meeting. Representatives from the intelligent nutrition company hosted a symposium and presented four abstracts during the event in Louisville, Kentucky, USA. “In light of the hatchability challenges and ongoing complications due to avian influenza/H5N1, it made sense to continue offering actionable suggestions for the broiler breeder and broiler sectors at this year’s PSA,” says Alfred Blanch, Novus Global Poultry Solutions Executive Manager. “But we’re also sharing valuable information about raw feedstuffs and trace minerals. The abstracts and symposium show the diversity of our research efforts, the power of collaboration and our commitment to poultry science and production.” Novus hosted a symposium titled “Achieving Reproductive Performance and Quality Chicks with Modern Broiler Breeders”. “The U.S. poultry industry is struggling with breeder production hatchability lower than 82% throughout the country,” explains Event Co-chair Gabriela Cardoso, Ph.D. at Novus Poultry Solution Manager-NORAM. “The cause of this phenomenon is unclear so we’re bringing together a group of experts to share what they know so we can work together as an industry to improve the number of chicks hatching.” Read more>> Nutreco announced its intention to acquire Chemfit Fine Chemicals Proprietary Limited trading as AECI Animal Health in South Africa, which manufactures animal premixes to customer formulations and requirements. Nutreco points out that the African continent's role is crucial in securing nutrition for the generations to come, which is why further investment in South Africa is a strategic choice for Nutreco. Nutreco recognises the immense potential of the region, having already taken significant steps in 2016 with the acquisition of Advit. By expanding its presence, the company is not only adhering to its commitment to 'feeding the future' but also enhancing its reach in the market, thereby supporting South African farmers vital role in building a sustainable agricultural future. Holger Riemensperger, Group CEO of AECI, commented, "We are pleased to have found a partner that shares our vision and values in Nutreco. This transaction represents a significant milestone in our journey, and we are confident that the Animal Health business will thrive under Nutreco's leadership." AECI AH was founded in 2002 and has nationwide distribution from its manufacturing site in Burgersdorp in the Eastern Cape. Nutreco adds that AECI AH’s strengths complement Trouw Nutrition South Africa’s operations, and the production location provides Trouw Nutrition South Africa with valuable access to key regions. Read more>> Novus hosts event on broiler breeder hatchability at PSA 2024 Nutreco to acquire South African company
NEWS FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 21 REDUCE WHITE FECES INCREASE YOUR PROFIT © Phileo by Lesaffre 2024. Shrimp hepatopancreas, challenged by EHP & Vibrio (x100) Before After
NEWS 22 FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 ADVERTORIAL In today's rapidly evolving animal nutrition landscape, the focus extends beyond conventional feed additives. The future of animal feed solutions faces significant challenges, including improving animal productivity, digestive health, nutrient utilization, and striving toward zero nutrient waste. Addressing these challenges requires a deep understanding of every micro inclusion in animal diets and leveraging advanced digital tools, products, and technical expertise. And this is what we are bringing through with Micronutrition & Health Solutions. MICRONUTRITION AND HEALTH SOLUTIONS: How Cargill is Shaping the Future of Animal Feed Solutions Digestive Health: Zero Nutrient Waste: Nutrient Utilization: Improving Animal Productivity: Reducing nutrient waste is not only good for the environment but also for the bottomline. Wasted nutrients mean wasted money and more pollution. We are committed to creating feed solutions that minimize waste and make the most of every nutrient. This involves using smart feed formulations and technologies combined with our scientific knowledge to monitor and improve feed efficiency in real-time. With rising production costs, improving productivity is more important than ever. This includes promoting growth rates, enhancing reproductive performance, and ensuring overall health. Cargill Micronutrition & Health Solutions combines products, services and solutions through a holistic approach that is based on the deep understanding of the needs of the animals with our scientific research and knowledge to deliver the best solution to these challenges. By using data-driven insights and innovative products, we help farmers and producers achieve productivity while keeping animals healthy and happy. Making sure animals get the most out of their feed is essential. This means every ingredient in their diet needs to be just right. Through the use of advanced technology, we design perfectly balanced diets that meet the specific needs of different animals at all stages of their lives. This helps them grow healthier and more efficiently, reducing waste and costs. A healthy gut is the cornerstone of a healthy animal. When animals have strong digestive health, they absorb nutrients more efficiently, get sick less often, and are more productive. We focus on improving gut health with targeted micronutrition and health solutions, ensuring animals thrive and perform their best. Imagine a world where improving animal productivity is no longer a dream but a reality. The future of animal feed solutions is here, and it’s tackling some big challenges head-on. From supporting digestive health to making the most out of every nutrient, Cargill Micronutrition & Health Solutions is at the forefront of this transformation, delivering the right product, at the right time, in the right amount. Let’s explore how. Addressing all these challenges requires the combination of the deep understanding of animal nutrition, the latest technology, and a commitment to continuous improvement. Cargill’s Micronutrition and Health Solutions is leading the way, creating a future where animal feed solutions are more efficient and sustainable. Let’s dive deeper together into your challenges.
NEWS FEED & ADDITIVE MAGAZINE August 2024 23 RaboResearch recently publicized its new report on aquaculture. According to the report, the global aquaculture industry is experiencing positive trends as demand for salmon and shrimp begins to improve in the second half of 2024. Despite ongoing biological challenges in farming these species, the industry is supported by the recovery of Western economies. Feed costs are anticipated to decrease, thanks to a rebound in fish meal supply, providing a silver lining for the sector. According to Gorjan Nikolik, Senior Global Seafood Specialist for RaboResearch, the salmon market continues to face a tight supply, with prices expected to remain high through the latter half of 2024. Seasonal patterns will influence pricing, but the overall trend suggests that costs will stay above average. Norway and Scotland are poised for a supply recovery, although this remains tentative due to unresolved biological issues. The US and Asia are experiencing depressed demand, which has not allowed prices to offset the high costs resulting from weak biological performance. However, the anticipated reduction in feed costs should offer some relief to producers. Read more>> The Pig Feed Quality Conference was organised this year in May and June in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This format blended a two-day live event and online presentations, with on-stage discussions following a total of 12 hours of streamed pre-recorded videos. Major themes in 2024 were factors affecting immunity, led by Dr. Megan Edwards, Nutritionist at Integral Nutrition in Singapore, and piglet health through nutrition, led by Dr. Theerawit Poeikhampha, Assistant Professor at Kasetsart University in Thailand. The interest of the concept of ABC-4 (Acid Binding Capacity) value has been highlighted in different technical presentations. Gilles Langeoire, Pig Nutrition consultant in France, reviewed the nutritional risks from pharmacological levels of zinc oxide: "This 'false friend' limits the efficacy of phytase, reduces digestible phosphorous and calcium, and has the highest acid-neutralizing effect of all feed ingredients." Langeoire gave the example of Danish studies which showed that by manipulating feed formula, it is possible to get rid of medicinal dose of zinc oxide in diets for light piglets. Dr. Mike Tokach, Professor/Extension Specialist at Kansas State University in USA explained the importance of considering ABC-4 values in formulating nursery diets. Dr. Tokach pointed out that by lowering ABC-4 values to 200-250 meq/kg in phase 1 and to 250-300 meq/kg in phase 2 piglet feeds without pharmacological ZnO, positive effects on growth performance and fecal score were measured. According to the information shared during the event, in the combination of solutions that are available to get rid of excess ZnO, the use of potentiated zinc oxide (HiZox®, Animine) supports digestive health of weaned piglets. An experiment supervised by Kansas State University was carried out with four treatments in two phases: a positive control (3000/2000 mg/kg), HiZox® low (150/150 mg/kg), HiZox® medium (500-300 mg/kg), HiZox® high (800-500 mg/ kg). Feed intake and body weight gain improved as HiZox® increased (p< 0.05, quadratic). Read more>> RaboResearch unveils positive trends in aquaculture industry Pig Feed Quality Conference highlights importance of ABC-4 values
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