Alternative Proteins Magazine - October 2024 Issue 4

ARTICLE Alternative Proteins Magazine October 2024 27 Intake Ratio 48% Control Poultry WetPro15& Chicken 52% 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Figure 2a. Intake ratio on adult dogs al score of 3 – “moist and formed”5. Here, we report on a new trial in which we confirm similar results for WetPro15. PALATABILITY TRIAL ON CATS To evaluate the palatability of WetPro15, we carried out a two-bowl test in which 33 cats were offered a choice between a control paté, whose animal protein source was poultry MDM, and a test paté, in which 40% of the animal protein source was replaced with WetPro15. As shown in Figure 1, there was no significant difference in intake ratio (onetailed t-test at 95% confidence), meaning the cats were as eager to consume the test diet as the control diet. Moreover, cats chose the test paté first 59% of the time, which indicates that visual and olfactory cues were positive. PALATABILITY AND FAECAL CONSISTENCY IN DOGS Our dog trial was performed via a 10-day monadic test in which 32 adult dogs were either fed a control paté (poultry MDM 50%) for five days followed by a test paté (20% WetPro15 & 30% poultry MDM) for five days, or vice versa. As shown in Figure 2a, there was no significant difference in intake quantity – a total of 309g of test paté (blue) was consumed, compared to 288 g of control paté — indicating that the insect protein was no deterrent to consumption. The dog owners were asked to report on aspects related to the digestibility of the diet, including the firmness and quantity of the dogs’ faeces (Figure 2b). The diet including WetPro15 was associated with “just right” faecal consistency by 81% of owners, compared to only 63% for the control diet. Moreover, 22% of owners reported increased flatuIntake Ratio Contol Poultry WetPro 20% Contol Poultry WetPro 20% 48% 41% 52% 59% 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1st choice Figure 1 Figure 2