ARTICLE 56 F&A Alternative Proteins Edition April 2023 of different feed ingredients. Defatted BSFL meal, full-fat BSF meal, squid liver meal from Korea and Vietnam, and fish hydrolyzed soluble were tested. They were included in different inclusion rates in a commercial diet. Shrimp were put in a Y-shaped aquarium and their choice between the control diet and the attractant diet was measured after different times (1, 5, 10, and 15 minutes). Entobel’s defatted BSFL meal had the highest attractability (higher or equal to suid liver meal) regardless of the inclusion rates. The defatted BSFL meal is also more attractive than the full-fat BSFL meal. POSITIVE HEALTH AND IMMUNE EFFECTS OF BSFL MEAL Moreover, Entobel’s BSFL meal shows to have positive impacts on animal health, including improved gut health and immune system. Entobel conducted several challenge trials which demonstrate positive immune and health effects when including BSFL meal in the diets. Shrimps fed with fresh larvae showed a significant increase in survival rate after a challenge test with White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV). Another trial showed an increase in survival rate after a challenge test with Vibrio parahaemolyticus in shrimp when partially substituting fishmeal with BSFL meal. The Vibrio challenge test was performed in cooperation with ShrimpVet. In a commercial shrimp diet, BSFL meal substituted fish meal by increasing percentages. After 43 days, Vibrio parahaemolyticus was introduced and the survival rate was measured for the different diets, after day 1 and day 2 (Figure 1). The diets that included BSFL meal, showed a significant increase in survival, showing the positive immune effects of BSFL meal in shrimp diets. Figure 1. Shrimp’s survival rate after challenge test with Vibrio parahaemolyticus for different rates of defatted BSFL meal.