ARTICLE F&A Alternative Proteins Edition April 2023 23 - the required hygiene practices, traceability systems, and recall requisites throughout its farming systems and production lines. Whenever applicable, hazard analysis (microbiological, chemical, physical) is carried out in accordance with the European HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) principles - or equivalent - to reduce or eliminate their occurrence. Control checkpoints, throughout the processing steps, are defined and implemented at each production site. In the business of continuous improvement, Ÿnsect is committed to going above and beyond the simple application of these regulations, to deliver the highest product quality possible. GOING A MILE FURTHER IN TERMS OF SECURITY As strict as the regulations may be, nothing stops companies from implementing more extensive controls than what is required by law. With this in mind, Ÿnsect has gone a step further in its devotion to the safety of its products by validating various certifications such as ISO 9001 and FSSC 22000, among the most thorough, which have strict specifications and are recognized worldwide to further guarantee quality and safety within facilities. Frequent supplementary checkpoints have been added to the mandatory protocol. For example, the monitoring of the compulsory processing method needed to validate processed animal protein product commercialisation, is repeated more frequently at Ÿnsect to further ensure the security of its insect-derived proteins. Innovative analysis technologies have also been specifically developed internally for the processing of mealworm-based products. Contaminant analysis methods have been adapted to insect - and specifically mealworm - matrices. “At Ÿnsect, we fall under the same strict regime as any other operator of the animal petfood industry, but we also carry out controls that are specific to our industry, according to hazards and risks that are specific to the rearing of insects and production of Lead Cadmium Arsenic Mercury Clostridium perfingens Enterobacteriae (37°C) Salmonella All analyzed / / 20 / 10 2.0 2.0 0.1 Absence/g <10 cfu/g Absence/25 g Depending on substances <0.5 <50 <0.1 <0.5 0.07 0.144 0.06 <0.005 Absence/g <10 cfu/g Absence/25 g < LOQ (All sought active substances, among more 252 ones are below the limit of quantitation 1 Directive 2002/32/EC of 7 May 201 2 Regulation (EU) N°396/2005 3 Regulation (EU) N°142/2011 Element (µg/kg) Element (mg/kg) Element (mg/kg) Microorganism Mycotoxins Heavy Metals Pesticides Microbiology Feed material regulatory max limit1 Feed material regulatory max limit1 Feed material regulatory max limit1 2 Regulatory max limit3 YnMeal max concentration YnMeal max concentration YnMeal max concentration YnMeal max concentration Safety Hazards YnMeal vs. Regulation OchratoxinA Deoxynivalenol Aflatoxin B1 Sum of Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1 and G2