Contending with an issue we have created!

Derya Yıldız

The impacts of global warming and climate change are felt almost everywhere in the world, especially in countries located in the middle latitudes, so intensely that they cannot be ignored. During the next July and August, it is likely that many countries will once again have to deal with above-normal temperatures, accompanying fires, droughts and floods.

All these negativities due to global warming, of which we are the main responsible, affect other living things in nature (as much as us, even more than us). These creatures include our farm animals that we feed to meet our protein needs.

Considering these facts, the topics we cover in this month’s issue are actually very ironic: “Strategies for Reducing Effects of Heat Stress in Farm Animals” and “How to Reduce Environmental Impacts of Livestock?”…

Today, we have to deal with global warming and climate change as a cost of our past mistakes. Sudden weather events such as high temperatures threaten the health and performance of our farm animals. Companies serving in the field of animal nutrition and health direct their experts to research solutions to keep heat stress in animals under control. You can find some solutions to combat heat stress in this month’s Issue Focus.

In this month’s Special Story, we focused on ways to reduce our environmental impacts in order not to face worse results than today. Because, according to the report titled “Global Warming of 1.5 ºC” published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations (UN) in 2018, global warming is likely to exceed 1.5 ºC between 2030 and 2052 if the current increase continues. And this is a serious problem that can threaten life on Earth. In order to avoid this problem, it is extremely important to reduce the environmental impact to the lowest possible level in all sectors. The livestock and feed industries are no exception, especially considering the impacts of gases such as methane and nitrous oxide from the livestock industry on global warming…

In short, we cannot continue to do what we have been doing up to now. Listen to science for sustainable new ways…

Enjoy your reading…

See you in the next issue !