

Friday, September 13



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    Chelated trace minerals help improve meat and carcass quality of modern broilers

    Chelated trace minerals help improve meat and carcass quality of modern...

    The meat and carcass quality issues can occur at all stages of the bird life and have consequences at farm level or slaughterhouse level, and till the transformation. Some of these meat quality issues can significantly impact the appearance of the meat, and while these meat quality issues do not pose any known risks to the food safety for consumers, they significantly impact producer profitability.
    The determination of a nutritional matrix by modelling

    The determination of a nutritional matrix by modelling

    Including a phytogenic feed additive (PFA) in feed has shown effects on enhancing the performance of broilers and swine at all stages of the...
    Devenish and Mara secure funding to develop algae-derived products

    Devenish and Mara secure funding to develop algae-derived products

    Northern Ireland-based agri-tech company Devenish and Canadian partner Mara Renewables Corporation (Mara) have secured funding support to develop an innovative algae-derived poultry feed that...

    Optimizing performance under heat: Crystallized betaine or more methionine?

    When applying precision nutrition to broiler diets it is crucial to consider how nutrients affect bird health and performance along with production budgets. Betaine...
    The importance of feed particle size (granulometry) in laying hens

    The importance of feed particle size (granulometry) in laying hens

    Feed particle size has a large impact on the chickens' feed intake, dusty feed particles will reduce feed intake greatly. We advise to increase...
    Great gut health enables successful antibiotic reduction

    Great gut health enables successful antibiotic reduction

    Poultry producers deserve practical solutions to successfully transition from preventative antibiotic use while maintaining poultry performance and boosting return on investment. Superior quality yeast...
    Understanding mycotoxin risk and the impact on egg and chick quality

    Understanding mycotoxin risk and the impact on egg and chick quality

    In broiler-breeder operations, profitability greatly depends on the quality of the egg and on fertility and hatchability. Mycotoxins have been found to be toxigenic...
    Polyphenols as a natural strategy to effectively control oxidative stress in layers

    Polyphenols as a natural strategy to effectively control oxidative stress in...

    Stress affects the performance, health status and thus economic profitability of layers during their egg production cycle. Oxidizing agents are formed throughout the body...
    Tackle the problem at the root: Emission reduction in poultry by PFAs

    Tackle the problem at the root: Emission reduction in poultry by...

    As the global population and its prosperity are steadily rising, the animal protein demand will further increase in the near future, with poultry being...
    Gut health markers of the efficacy of a probiotic solution in broiler chickens

    Gut health markers of the efficacy of a probiotic solution in...

    The review of the current knowledge of the most relevant gut health biomarkers for poultry production are summarized in this article and effect of the probiotic solution Bacillus subtilis DSM 29784 on modulating these markers are also highlighted.