

Saturday, February 8



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    Is it possible to achieve sustainable growth with limited marine resources?

    Underlining that the aquaculture industry is dependent on marine resources as a feed source, Dr. Nickell points out that this is the most important...
    Wageningen University supports the insect industry with education

    Wageningen University supports the insect industry with education

    Insects are attracting more and more interest and investment as a new and exciting way in the circular food chain. Wageningen University & Research...
    Europe's Contradicting Reality: Food safety, environmental impact and animal welfare

    Europe’s Contradicting Reality: Food safety, environmental impact and animal welfare

    While in some countries, such as the Netherlands, the topic of less animal protein is heavily discussed, consumer demand for animal products such as...
    Alternative proteins are not the only solution, but they have a clear role to play…

    Alternative proteins are not the only solution, but they have a...

    The shift towards plant-based protein could allow farmers to grow higher-value legumes and crops instead of growing low-value crops destined for animal feed, while...
    The use of alternative proteins has moved from a trend to reality

    The use of alternative proteins has moved from a trend to...

    At ANDRITZ, we focus on plant-based proteins, insects and side streams, esp. animal residues. We partner with our customers to design and engineer tailored...
    Circularity, upcycling and sustainability with olives as a feed ingredient

    Circularity, upcycling and sustainability with olives as a feed ingredient

    Pressing the olive to obtain the oil produces hundreds of thousands of tons of by-products, i.e. pulp, peel and olive stones, every year. These...
    Transforming shrimp farming in Ecuador with Skretting 360+

    Transforming shrimp farming in Ecuador with Skretting 360+

    Skretting 360+ was launched for the first time in Ecuador as a programme aimed at transforming shrimp farming by focusing on three pillars: Precision...
    Converting waste(!) into protein accurately and reliably

    Converting residual streams into protein accurately and reliably

    Various initiatives, such as applying digital farming strategies, the development of fermentation-based and cell-based protein or incorporating insects in animal and human food are...
    Andritz spearheads the digital revolution in the feed industry

    Andritz spearheads the digital revolution in the feed industry

    As the feed industry navigates the challenges and opportunities of automation and digitalization, ANDRITZ is committed to leading the way forward. The company's strategic...
    Small Switches, Big Change two years in

    Small Switches, Big Change two years in

    By implementing an integrated feed-farm-health approach, producers notice a clear improvement in technical performance. Usually, the investment in the antibiotic reduction program is fully...