

Monday, February 10



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    Precision biologics – The catalysts of change in disease prevention

    Precision biologics – The catalysts of change in disease prevention

    Emerging protein technologies, like precision biologics, have the potential to provide targeted disease prevention against costly pathogens. Precision biologics will be best delivered by...
    Environmental transparency: A life cycle analysis of sprÿng’s product line

    Environmental transparency: A life cycle analysis of Sprÿng’s product line

    In the context of the global environmental condition, it is the responsibility of any company to examine the environmental impact of their products and...
    The future of cultured meat and its impact on livestock

    The future of cultured meat and its impact on livestock

    As a consequence of weak academic research in this area, cell-based food has not yet proven to be as healthy or so nutritious compared...
    Are insects the protein of the future?

    Are insects the protein of the future?

    Novel solutions and cutting-edge technology in food and feed systems will be driven by the rising cost of producing animal proteins and the growing...
    Insect proteın meal; a holıstıc nutrıtıon

    Insect protein meal; A holistic nutrition

    Insect meal is a valuable source of micronutrients that are important for fish health and performance. Insects are rich in a range of vitamins,...
    Insect meal, a functional protein source to help fill the protein gap

    Insect meal, a functional protein source to help fill the protein...

    Aquaculture is a fast-growing and efficient food production system and is expected to be the main contributor to the increased demand for animal proteins....
    Black soldier fly oil: A promising functional ingredient

    Black soldier fly oil: A promising functional ingredient

    The global vegetable oil production is located in only a few countries. This is a considerable concern for global food security as any destabilization...
    Insect farming: insect welfare matters, the eu should take it seriously

    Insect farming: Insect welfare matters, the EU should take it seriously

    Insect producers should also care about insect welfare, because improved animal welfare goes hand in hand with improved productivity, for example through reduced mortality,...
    Penetrating the price barrier of insect protein for animal feed

    Penetrating the price barrier of insect protein for animal feed

    Magalarva collaborates with Indonesian government to solve food waste problem and provide sustainable protein source for the feed mill industry. With continued collaboration and...

    Scaling gas fermentation technology to market-size animal feed protein production

    The carbon footprint associated with conventional animal feed production methods and the products available today are renowned for being high. The good news is...