

Sunday, February 9



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    Why education is key to promoting insects as food and feed

    Why education is key to promoting insects as food and feed

    Insect education creates a sense of empowerment and resilience among communities worldwide. As people gain the knowledge and skills to rear, process, and utilize...
    Insect meals as a source of functional and bioactive compounds

    Insect meals as a source of functional and bioactive compounds

    Today, insects from order Orthoptera, Coleoptera and Diptera represent the most prevalent groups of insects which are used as an alternative feedstuff, either as...
    Insect meal as a tool for reducing the environmental impact of livestock production

    Insect meal as a tool for reducing the environmental impact of...

    Similar to livestock production, the top two impact hotspots in BSF production are energy and feed, indicating that using a clean energy mix, and...
    From waste stream to alternative protein - Preserving food by-products for animal feed

    From waste stream to alternative protein – Preserving food by-products for...

    High-moisture by-products generated by the food industry are abundant and rich in nutrients. However, these perishable ingredients present challenges when it comes to storage,...
    Mealworms: Low ash content with an interesting mineral profile for pet food recipes

    Mealworms: Low ash content with an interesting mineral profile for pet...

    Added to pet food recipes, mealworm-based products help pet food product meet the nutritional recommendations set by the AAFCO and the FEDIAF, with a...
    Ensuring Quality, Feed Safety and Hygiene: A Commitment to Excellence

    Ensuring quality, feed safety and hygiene: A commitment to excellence

    The production of insects and the use of insect-based products in animal feed is growing worldwide and safety issues related to insect farming and...
    Can the feed sector really transform itself into a ‘sustainable sector’?

    Can the feed sector really transform itself into a ‘sustainable sector’?

    The feed sector's journey towards sustainability is pivotal in mitigating its environmental impact. Through advancements in ingredient sourcing, efficient production practices, and rigorous waste...
    How insects can help feed the world

    How insects can help feed the world

    Proteins and fats can come from many sources, but perhaps one of the most novel is that found in insects. Insect protein can be...
    Single cell protein: Meeting the protein gap and enabling sustainable aquaculture

    Single cell protein: Meeting the protein gap and enabling sustainable aquaculture

    To bridge the feed protein gap, the aquaculture industry needs to diversify its raw material basket with novel ingredients that have lower environmental footprints...
    New fraction from insect meal tested in feed

    New fraction from insect meal tested in feed

    Insects are a natural part of the diets of wild salmon when they are in rivers. Insects are also making their way into the...