Alltech honors dairy farm employee

Hector Lobato of the Schilling Farms in Darlington, Wisconsin, USA, has received the 2024 Most Valuable Employee (MVE) Award from Alltech Wisconsin. The finalists were honored during the annual Alltech Dairy Summit on December 12.

Alltech honors dairy farm employeeAlltech Wisconsin has presented the 2024 Most Valuable Employee (MVE) Award to Hector Lobato of Schilling Farms in Darlington, Wisconsin, USA. This award recognizes one outstanding dairy farm employee in Wisconsin, Minnesota or northern Illinois each year. Nominations are made by a farm manager, dairy owner, farm consultant or nutritionist based on qualities such as work ethic, perseverance, honesty and integrity.

The finalists were honored during the annual Alltech Dairy Summit on Thursday, December 12, in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

“Alltech is proud to honor Hector as this year’s Most Valuable Employee Award winner for his hard work and dedication to Schilling Farms for the past 18 years,” expressed Jorge Delgado, Manager of the Alltech Training, Talent Development and Retention Program for Dairy Workers (Alltech T²R Program). “This award is designed to recognize the people behind the cows and their exceptional work ethic and integrity, and Hector is most deserving of this honor.”

Hector Lobato was nominated by his employers, the Schilling family, who said: “Hector can be best described as dedicated. He comes to work every day with a smile and ready to do his absolute best. We have been fortunate enough to have Hector working alongside us for the last 18 years.”

The Schilling family continued: “Hector’s attitude and drive is what makes him such an asset. He is ready to help in the parlor, train new employees, and is known to be one of cleanest guys at the farm. We have been fortunate to watch Hector’s family grow up, as we have watched his children graduate high school and now see Hector as abuelo to his granddaughter.”

“Hector has taken a new role in employee management, and we value the knowledge he has and his commitment to doing it right. Hector takes pride in caring for the cows, employees and the farm. Success would not be possible without Hector and his dedication, and we are thankful he is part of Schilling Farms.”

The other finalists honored during the Alltech Dairy Summit included Monte Guenther of Hil-Ray Farms in Minnesota City, Minnesota, and Fernando Maceda of Wayside Dairy in Greenleaf, Wisconsin.

“The best employees add value to the dairy by thriving in their roles, maintaining their responsibilities, creating a safe and positive work environment for their coworkers, and speaking highly of their employers, both on and off the farm,” explained Jorge Delgado. “When dairy farms and their employees develop long-term relationships and celebrate each other’s hard work, everyone involved reaps valuable benefits.”