The experts shared three new poultry studies that address the poultry farming challenges with probiotics at the 2023 PSA Annual Meeting.
Three new poultry studies were unveiled at the Poultry Science Association (PSA) Annual Meeting 2023 in Philadelphia. The new studies focused on probiotic strains dedicated to poultry feeding, showing benefits in specific challenges of the poultry sector: coccidiosis challenge, necrotic enteritis challenge, and egg and bone mineralization in extended laying cycles.
Audrey Sacy, poultry applications manager at Lallemand Animal Nutrition, commented: “We are very proud to present three trials conducted thanks to partnerships with leading international experts in renowned poultry research stations such as the University of Thessaloniki in Greece. This is already our third participation in a major poultry congress this year and not the last, with research spanning many areas of challenges for modern poultry production such as coccidiosis, microbiota establishment, inflammation, egg quality, bone mineralization, gut health, pullet quality, necrotic enteritis challenges.”
“Our poultry research strategy today is to keep investing in main poultry production challenges working with key opinion leaders, while also supporting field trials in commercial conditions close to the end-users. We also focus on developing on-farm practical tools to monitor visible signs in these field trials,” she added.
STUDY 1 Production: Layers Trial location: Dankook University, Korea Challenge: Extended production cycle (>50 weeks old) Probiotic tested: Pediococcus acidilactici CNCM I-4622 (BACTOCELL) Results: Egg quality: Calcium metabolism: Bone strength: Conclusion: P. acidilactici CNCM I-4622 improved Ca and P absorption, which resulted in better bone mineralization, illustrated by better bone resistance, higher eggshell weight and reduction of downgraded eggs, which can positively impact the longevity of the production cycle. |
STUDY 2 Production: Broiler Trial location: University of Thessaloniki, Greece Challenge: Coccidiosis (Eimeria) Probiotic tested: Bacillus pumilus NCIMB 30362 (EFFIXIENCE) Results: Conclusion: Bacillus pumilus NCIMB 30362 mitigated the negative effects of coccidiosis in broilers. |
STUDY 3 Production: Broiler Trial location: Southern Poultry Feed & Research Inc., United States Challenge: Necrotic Enteritis (NE) (Clostridium perfringens + Eimeria) Probiotic tested: Bacillus pumilus NCIMB 30362 (EFFIXIENCE) Results: Gut health (NE): Conclusion: Bacillus pumilus NCIMB 30362 mitigated the negative effects of NE in broilers at a comparable level of magnitude as the antibiotic. |
1. I. H., Seok W.J., Choi S.Y. 2023 The positive effect of probiotic supplementation on calcium metabolism and bone resistance and mineralization in old layers. PSA Annual meeting 2023, July 10-13 Philadelphia. Poster.
2. Barbe F., Krunshinskie E., Lebreton P., Sacy A., Demey V., Chevaux E., Castex M., Mantzios T., Papadopoulos G.A., Giannenas I., Tsiouris V. 2023. The positive impact of a bacillus pumilus-based product on oocyst excretion, bone length, welfare scores and lesion scoring during coccidiosis-induced challenge. PSA Annual meeting 2023, July 10-13 Philadelphia. Poster
3. Barbe F., Krunshinskie E., Lebreton P., Sacy A. Demey V., Chevaux E., Castex M., Lumpkins B. S., Mathis G. F. 2023.The positive impact of a bacillus pumilus-based product on broiler performance and lesion scoring during necrotic enteritis-induced challenge. PSA Annual meeting 2023, July 10-13 Philadelphia. Poster.