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Gut health, digestibility and feed conversion ratio in poultry
Gut health impacts digestibility and FCR. Optimal intestinal health and gut function are essential to efficient and profitable poultry production. Many challenges and stressors,...
Black Soldier Fly meal improves survivability, yields and feed conversion ratios in shrimp diets
According to some shrimp-feed trial results announced by Nutrition Technologies; shrimp fed with diets using the Black Soldier Fly meal, had better results and...
Reducing environmental impact in feed formulation through advanced techniques
As global demand for animal protein increases, feed formulation must balance nutrition, cost, and sustainability. By integrating life-cycle assessments, reliable data, and transparent sourcing,...
New study reveals ‘invisible’ cause of feed outages
A new study conducted by BinSentry and HANOR has revealed a new cause of animal feed outages costing producers up to 7 basis points...
Layn Natural Ingredients showcases new feed ingredient at EuroTier 2024
Layn Natural Ingredients has announced the European-region launch of its new product TruGro® CGA, which aims to optimize piglet health and growth naturally during the...
Robust Piglets: Feed solutions to support piglets’ health and performance
Generally, the term ‘robust piglet’ is considered important since we have to ensure that the animals have a higher resilience to stress. This allows...
Trouw Nutrition to launch solutions at EuroTier 2024 for sustainable feed and farming
Trouw Nutrition will be premiering its species-specific solutions to boost production efficiency and reduce the footprint of farming at EuroTier 2024 on 12-15 November...
Phytogenic feed additives for a more resilient poultry production
In the last decade, there has been an increased awareness about the risks associated with antimicrobial resistance development and this has resulted in a...
Phytogenics: Elite feed additives for aquaculture species
Phytogenics comprise of a relatively infant department of feed additives that are gaining considerable interest within the aquaculture industry. A wide spectrum of phytogenics,...
A Shift Among Phytogenics: From first to second generation
While significant research has been conducted on phytogenics, derived from the Greek 'phyto,' meaning plant, the field of phycogenics, derived from 'phyko,' meaning algae,...